One /// Two /// Three /// Four /// Five
I’ve had a string of really, really late nights lately. Like, 3 AM. Dominic gets up for the gym by 5 AM so we practically “work” swing shifts these days. It’s amusing. And we laugh. Because it’s actually working for our family and it just seems funny to be on such opposite schedules.
We are on the verge of diving into Whole30. We’re both nervous. Me for the preparation, Dom for the vegetables. Can ya’ll hit me up with all your Whole30 tips and recipes?
And, let’s see … what to say about my perfect pins today. Nursing mama, check. Bucket list castle, check. Gorgeous (ethically made!) tote, check. A print I must locate for my someday niece or nephew who will have a Ranger daddy, check. Fall food, check check checkity check!
Happy almost weekend my friends! We start homeschool coop tomorrow, have a double dating planned on Saturday to celebrate my sister’s 25th birthday, and you all know I’ll be nappin’ it up this weekend. Naps keep the 3 AM mama from looking’ too zombie like :)
Whoo! Co-op started for us today… I didn't realize how great it would be!
Ours went REALLY well! I'm so excited for the coming weeks!
Whole30 is tough, if you make it past day 13 you'll be fine!!