40 Weeks

40 weeks bw

How far along: 40 weeks, 0 days — also known as: I HAVE NEVER BEEN PREGNANT THIS LONG BEFORE.

Gender: A patient boy :)

Weight gain: Scale batteries are dead. I don’t care a smash since I’m living in LulaRoe leggings and those babies have s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

Sleep: Is this really a question? My naps are definitely the best sleep I get these days.

Best moment this week: Christmas with the bigs was wonderful, of course! And I’ve been browsing baby announcements in anticipation … I think I have a favorite!

Worst moment this week: Everyone is high on emotions as we anticipate brother’s arrival. Max is a wee bit ferocious and everything is tipping Jem into a puddle of tears. It’s a lot to manage … especially when I think about the fact that I’ll have them and a newborn very soon.

Miss anything: Fitting into my winter clothes. Nothing warm stretches across my belly anymore and at this point I refuse to purchase anything maternity.

Movement/Position: Head down and ready for birth! I can tell he is running out of space for sure!

Cravings: Hot chocolate and biscotti to dip has been my go to treat this week! Perfect for Christmas week!

Looking forward to: Holding my sweet boy and officially announcing his name! We’ve never decided on a name before seeing our babies and it feels weird to have a name chosen for him already. But, it feels right and assuming he somewhat looks like our pick, we’re ready to go!

What Jemma thinks: “The first thing I’m going to say to him is — I love you baby brother!”

What Max thinks: “I hope the baby will be just like Mikey.” Yes, Max is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle obsessed.

Flashback —> 40 weeks with Jemma and 40 weeks with Max

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