Have I really been a mama for a whole week?

I’ve been a mama for one week, the best week of my life :) Here is what I’ve learned …

  • Cloth nursing pads are divine … those disposables are not as soft, fill up my garbage and are hardly absorbent. Cloth is the way to go. Mine are bamboo velour/hemp and are here to stay.
  • Baby swings are a worthwhile contraption … for a good while I was majorly anti-contraption, but a good garage sale deal and a curious baby make things like swings a lifesaver.
  • Husbands must live and learn … projectile poo in the middle of a diaper change. Need I say more :)
  • Green cabbage is a glorious veggie … engorgement + a homemade veggie bra = relief.
  • Birth plans are not for the weak at heart … things don’t always go my way. My birth plan was my 1,237th reminder of this. Someday I might learn. I love what Albert Camus says in regard to our fragile hearts, “Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.” 
  • Early morning hours are priceless … when my little one wakes up at night and we nurse/snuggle and visit about life, nothing can replace those special moments.
  • Rescue Remedy is woman’s “emotional ally” … need I say more?
  • Midwifery care makes a huge difference during pregnancy, labor and postpartum … it is individualized. I have their cell numbers and can call anytime. They came to our home on Wednesday for a mama/baby check-up. That’s true health care.
  • Laundry is quickly becoming my arch nemesis … between milk leaks, poo leaks, pee leaks, spit up and everything in between I don’t think my washer/dryer has had a break all week.
  • My baby girl is the blessing of a lifetime!

Tonight we are attempting our first outing … church! We will be sitting in the back, ready for a quick exit. Wish me luck and Jemma a long nap!

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  1. says

    Thanks for sharing your new insights- some good tidbits for expecting moms like me! And good luck at church :) Our priest always says that no mass is complete without at least one crying baby! haha.

  2. says

    I love reading your blog and your new experiences as a new mommy! I hope your first outing with Miss Jemma goes well! ps- your washer/dryer will never have a break again (take it from a mom of 3)!

  3. says

    I love it! Wish I had gone to church tonight so I could see you. We are going in the morning. I hadn't heard of the hemp nursing pads. Mine are cotton and I hate them. I always wake up soaked. I have the Lansenoh disposables and love them. But I would like to use something and not have to be soaked and save $$. I did get some hemp inserts for the diapers. Now that they are absorbing more, I love the cloth diapers. Heavy wetter + leaks = not happy momma (especially with poop). I agree with the early morning hours of feeding and quiet snuggle time. No matter how tired you are, looking into those angelic faces from heaven make the sleepness nights worthwhile. You are a wonderful mommy! I can just tell. I wish I had done the midwife thing like you. What a wonderful experience. So glad you have a good one.Can't wait to see you. -Jennifer

  4. says

    Sounds like things are going great!! We also had a major explosive poop situation within the first week or so. I think it's a rite of passage. LOL. And I am still AMAZED by the amount of laundry that I'm doing! It's like twice as much & that doesn't even include cloth diapers! I have no idea why.Congratulations to you! I'm loving seeing the pics of baby Jemma!

  5. says

    So glad to hear about your first week experiences! I hope we can meet her soon! Let me know when your schedule frees up :)


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