Other Mothers

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This pregnancy is turning me into a sap. A super sentimental, thankful sap. 

With Mother’s Day around the corner I can’t help but stop to think about my role as a mom, my mom’s role in my life and all the other mothers around me. I just love these women – my mom, my sisters, my friends. I admire them more than words can say. These other mothers are my inspiration. They’re fighting the good fight and coming out victorious day after day.

But victory looks so different than you’d expect. There are no parades or lavish rewards. Victory looks like sacrifice and vulnerability; honest confessions and raw truth. It’s saying, “I yell sometimes and need tools to manage my emotions” and “This is harder than I expected, I need help keeping perspective”. 

Who are the other mothers in your life? The ones walking beside you, doing what you’re doing, understanding all the feelings you feel?

I, of course, have my mama. The one who has always walked that fine balance of sharing her heart while carrying herself with strength. There is my best friend, the one who has created a beautiful, brave life in a new city. And my older sister who parents her boys with conscientiousness and grace. My other sister too, the one who isn’t a mother to biological children yet, but who acts as “mom” to my children often. She has even said to me before, “Will I love my kids as much as I love yours?” I have assured her, that yes, she will love them very, very much, as will I. 

My Bible Study table, mom’s group, babywearing friends, high school and college gals who have become mothers, women I’ve met online and subsequently fallen into friendship with – all these other mothers, I salute you. I love you. I’m proud to call you an ally in motherhood and wish you a calm peace and extra dose of rejuvenation this Mother’s Day. XOXO!

I was honored to partner with ProFlowers to send some gorgeous bouquets this Mother’s Day, thank you ProFlowers for helping me honor some of the other mothers in my life! If you’re curious, these are the beauties I chose … one /// two /// three /// four.

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