How far along: 9 weeks
Gender guess: Still thinking girl. And according to Instagram comments, I’m carrying high which also leads to a pink thoughts. And the striped tank? It’s officially the best tank top ever. I want all the colors!
Weight gain: Who knows. Who cares.
Sleep: I don’t even know. Is it Dominic’s snoring keeping me awake? Max’s mega close snuggles? The bedroom temperature? Or, pregnancy? All in all, I’m sleeping more, blogging less, but still feel mega tired.
Best moment this week: We cancelled lots of plans this week to just stay home. We watched movies, I microwaved oatmeal and chicken nuggets. Bottom line — we survived and that’s a good thing. Oh, and we finalized plans with our midwife!
Worst moment this week: All the smells. Gag. So so bad.
Miss anything: Energy.
Movement: Tummy rumbles that I wish were baby … but I know I’m a few weeks out :)
Cravings: Nectarines, but only perfectly sweet ones. And iced coffee.
Queasy or sick? Depressed from lack of energy topped with waves of nausea. What can I say, the first tri is so lovely :)
Looking forward to: Our heartbeat appointment in June. Things feel so much more real and worthwhile once I hear that fast thumping.
What Jemma thinks: “Hey mom, you really need some breakfast. The baby is hungry.”
What Max thinks: “Max is the baby! Snuggle me, mama?”
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I love these updates! It’s such a great way to document the pregnancy. I have been reading your blog for a while but haven’t commented much. I adore your blog and style. So glad I found you! :)