7 Weeks

It’s the beginning of pregnancy number three! 

I don’t think I’ve ever started journaling this early. With Jemma we didn’t announce until the end of the first trimester. Because of THE RULES that aren’t really rulesAnd with Max we didn’t find out until I was 9 weeks along. It’s funny to me, because you think once you’ve been through pregnancy twice before that something will be similar, and yet, this pregnancy is already very different. 
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 How far along: 7 weeks

Gender guess: Girl. I’ve never felt confident about guessing gender, but for some reason I do this time. My cravings are very similar to Jemma and I had a super vivid dream that I gave birth to a chubby baby girl at home in the dark a few weeks ago. I can’t wait to find out! I wrote a little bit about boys and girls and numbers on mom.me last week too :)

Weight gain: No idea! We don’t have a scale and I’m not really that concerned about it. I gained 40 pounds or so with both Jemma and Max and although, I’d love to stay more in the 30 range this time, I’m much more focused on eating healthy and exercising often. Better yet, I’m starting this pregnancy healthier than I’ve ever been. My 5 miler race is next Sunday and I never would have thought I could run 5 miles, let alone during a first trimester of pregnancy!

Sleep: The night time bathroom breaks have already started. Uh. A friend gave me her pregnancy pillow and I’m already putting that to use and probably will forever! I’ve always loved lots of pillows tucked everywhere and this one monster does it all! 

Best moment this week: So many wonderful moments … finding out, announcing to our friends and family, celebrating my first Mother’s Day as a mama of three and interviewing a potential midwife. 

Worst moment this week: I’m already feeling the major lack of energy. And it’s hard with Jemma and Max, I feel like I’m not their full mama anymore since I’m just so darn tired. 

Miss anything: Yes. Cocktails. I don’t even drink very often, but with Cinco de Mayo and Mother’s Day I felt the lack of celebratory beverages. For now lemonade and kombucha are doing their best to fill the bubbly void.

Movement: None yet.

Cravings: Steak and burgers and all things crunchy like cucumbers, pickles and chips. Nothing much sounds good. I’ve been forcing myself to eat and get my protein, but meat and crunch are the most appetizing of all.

Queasy or sick? If I don’t eat, I get a little nauseous. It was the same with Jem and Max. A vicious circle or not wanting to eat, but doing to avoid the yuckies.

Looking forward to: Deciding on a midwife and then anticipating an appointment where we can hear our baby’s heart beat! I LOVE the one I interviewed last week, but am battling some insurance stuff. She’s in-network, but our insurance won’t cover any births outside of a birthing facility. Insurance will contribute towards my prenatal and postpartum care, but $0 for the actual home birth. Now I’m working with the biller to see how those three sections of care breakdown before we make a final decision. Unless something later in my pregnancy warrants extra care, I won’t go to a hospital. To me, having a calm and peaceful birth atmosphere with a provider I choose and have a relationship with far outweighs the bit that insurance would contribute to an expensive hospital birth.

What Jemma thinks: “I think I really like the baby and am really excited for it to be born! And I’m really excited to hold the baby!”

What Max thinks: “No, Jemma! I hold the baby. And play with the baby. All. By. My. Self.”

Pregnancy questions inspired by Little Baby Garvin.

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