24 + 25 Weeks

25 weeks How far along: 25 weeks, 2 days

Gender: A little man, and I think we’ve narrowed down a very top name pick! Jemma has owned it so much that she is announcing it to everyone … our grocery checker, Awanas leader, midwife.

Weight gain: I gained 7 pounds in the last month :/ I’m blaming the Costco box of Lucky Charms I bought. Oddly enough, I feel like this has been my most active month. Weird. Plus 16 pounds so far.

Sleep: I’m so into this book and before that, all of these. Hence, I’ve been capping each night off with a long bath soak and it has been easing me into sleep beautifully. 

Best moment this week: Since the school year kicked off for my mom and sister, we have started our own, more regular schedule. This meant a TV detox for Max. It started rough and has ended beautifully!

Worst moment this week: We toured a gym to maybe join and it just got me all ruffled about exercise. I was doing sooooooo great. I ran 5 miles at 8 weeks pregnant. And then, nothing. Blah. If we join I’m going to try and make it to some classes so I don’t lose everything I worked for. I figure, waiting 4 months is bad. Waiting 5 months is worse.

Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly.

Movement: Whenever I sit down, it’s dance party time!

Cravings: I’ve been eating my fair share of French onion soup. I love Applebee’s version. I need Dippin’ Dots bad too.

Queasy or sick? None. Such a blessing.

Looking forward to: Disneyland! Jem is already packed!

What Jemma thinks: After she spills the name to everyone she sees, she continues with “… and I’m going to be a big sister. That means I will rock the baby, play with him, snuggle him and help give him snacks when he is old enough. But only mama milk first!”

What Max thinks: “Now, my heart beat turn.” This photo will just make your heart swell.

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