This + That


It’s the weekend! Cheers!

We’re packing up for a week away from home … I’m taking the kids back to our old town for their favorite summer camp and crashing with my mom and sister while there. I CANNOT wait to make the rounds on all my favorite restaurants. I know, I know, I sound totally pregnant. Which I am. So, no shame! 

Do you know how much planning it takes to get 4 people ready to drive a mere 2 hours for a few days? It’s kind of ridiculous. I’ve got snacks, swim stuff, regular clothes, sleeping bags, Jem’s books, Max’s stuffed eagle, Reid’s favorite blanket, all my supplements and I’m sure I’ll still forget something. Se la vie, there’s a Target close by so I don’t think it will be the end of the world if something gets left behind. 

What are your big summer plans? This is our only week long trip and it’s already feeling like a lot to manage. We’ve got a few single night things planned in the coming weeks, but I’m already feeling massive so home and nap time and my bath tub are where I really want to be. #30andpregnant

In case this weekend is chill for you, here’s a few things to browse …

The cake I made for my mama’s birthday, truly out of this world!

Giant prints of your darlings for cheap.

Best book I’ve listened to this year. One I want to buy a paper copy of and super underline now.

Can you hear Max yelling “Sliiiiiiiime!

How to Respond to Lysa Terkeurst’s Divorce

Love everything about this.

What’s your dream flavor?

Perhaps the prettiest birth affirmation cards.

Lillebaby as low as $65!

Made $44 in 2 weeks of using iBotta. Why I waited so long, I don’t know. If you’re not signed up, you can get $10 FOR FREE as a welcome bonus here.

Don’t forget Reid’s giveaway!

Wonder Woman insight … um, yes!

Cannot wait to freshen my closet after baby … this and this and more to come I’m sure!

Bought this on Target clearance. I *think* it’s cute on. It’s for sure comfy!

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    • Gretchen says

      Of course! It was/is fabulous!