Favorite Things

Favorite Things


So much to love these days. Top of the list being …

Trader Joe’s Organic Pizza Crusts /// I pop it on this air vent pizza pan top with homemade pizza sauce, fresh mozzarella, camapari tomatoes and basil … then, when it’s done I sprinkle pink sea salt and balsamic on the top!

Brave Sunday /// Obsessed with the button earrings. AND, she just released limited edition state pride earrings! Washington represent!

Water Table /// $45 at Costco, folks. Worth every penny!

TOMS Cordones /// Regular TOMS don’t fit Max’s chubby little feet, but this style does! And he’s bursting out of his 7s, so I’m on the hunt for 8s, maybe 9s by Fall!

Saracco /// The best moscato I ever did try. Pretty much not buying anything else. Ever.

La Vie est Belle /// After 2 mini spritzer samples, I finally used my eBates account to order a whole bottle. Love it and love that I earned money back on the purchase too! In the last 2 months of a few online purchases I’ve earned $36! That pays for a lot of Saracco :)

Younique Mascara /// I can’t wait to share more about this. True love. Seriously. I’ll never buy another mascara.

Carry On, Warrior /// If you haven’t read this, you must.

Pixie Pants /// I missed the whole debut sale :( But, snagged a pair on clearance and they are pure perfection. Totally a favorite!

What are your favorite things these days?

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  1. Loyal RUN says

    Eek. I must be nuts because I haven't read "Carry On, Warrior"! I am interested now!

    • says

      Read it! Seriously! I'm contemplating re-reading before I return it to the library. It was that good. And just so real.