Style File — SAHM Code

photoEssential Starbucks Stop + Church — dress, Target via consignment store ($7!) /// jean jacket, GAP circa 2000 … remember when they had that whole line of embroidered denim? Yep, this was part of it, there is an embroidered peacock on the back! /// sunnies, TOMs via Nordstrom /// wedges, TOMS via Nordstrom /// bracelet, maylilies that I won from a giveaway over a Simple, Like Love

I’m blogging first thing in the morning today, which I never, ever do. Night owls unite! Usually because we’re off to run errands or someone if having a meltdown of “why oh why can’t we watch Frozen all waking hours”. All while I’m trying to jump in the shower and throw together a not-cereal breakfast. You know, the normals things.

But today. Today I’m in pajamas and the kids are watching TV. Boom – the start to a nice, slow day. We went to Wild Waves yesterday and I showered when we got home thanks to Lumberjack Falls splashing me with a bounty of chlorinated water so I have no motivation to re-shower this morning. Or get dressed since my jammies are quite fresh. And I’m a SAHM so I can. And it’s beautiful. Jemma begged for Daddy’s “pad-pad” to watch the ever-so-boring, Egg Surprise, and Max chanted “Green Knight” for his favorite movie, Franklin and the Green Knight. And that movie, my friends, is an hour long so between our living room slide and Franklin, I just may get a full hour of “alone” time.

Too bad that was just interrupted by a big ol’ swig of coffee WITH BAD CREAM. The shame! It doesn’t even expire until July 13th :/

Back to today though. I have 400 in-between projects on the docket. Mainly — finish my quarterly closet cleanse (pants and dresses are left), finish painting a nightstand (another Annie Sloan piece), dishes/laundry/sweep/vacuum (normal hum drum), prep for graduation (one of our international students is a senior and she reserved us spots in the parent section for tomorrow night!) and type up the post for a BIG giveaway launching tomorrow. Really big, like, get excited big.

What does Thursday hold for you?

P.S. The whole purpose of this post can be summarized in one sentence … When a SAHM gets dressed up as herself, it ought to be documented. It’s SAHM code at its finest.

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  1. Life Breath Present says

    I love that as a SAHM I can literally not do anything by way of "getting ready" in the mornings. Some days I go into the bathroom and do my little morning routine (brush teeth, comb hair, etc.). Others I just walk right in and sit at the computer to get quiet, alone time for blog activities. Also, because I'm a SAHM, there are literally less clothes to wash (at least for now) since I'm not worrying about re-wearing something out in public so often! :)

    • says

      Exactly! When I do get dressed, if it doesn't get dirty, I totally wear it the next day – sometimes the day after too :) No reason to waste a good outfit!