14 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Toddler

This month marks my 22nd month of nursing Max. First as a chunky little baby and now as a rough and tumble almost 2 year old. It’s been quite the road and it seems I never know what’s coming next. But I love it. And I didn’t really know if I would. That’s the thing about mothering … you can imagine all you want, but until you’re in the thick of it, there is really no understanding.

bfing toddler

With that, I thought it would be fun to share some reasons to breastfeed your toddler – factual, a little humorous and everything in between.

14 Reasons to Breastfeed Your Toddler

  1. It’s normal.
  2. It’s good for mom.
  3. Because they just may want to. And that’s ok.
  4. Because you just may want to. And that’s reason enough too.
  5. It’s nutritious. Yes, even after a year. Breast milk is a valuable source of protein, fat, calcium and vitamins.
  6.  It’s a quick fix. Call me lazy, but nothing soothes Max’s owies or fears like mama milk.
  7. It’s sweet. You think eye contact and coos of a nursing infant is adorable? Imagine seeing your toddler’s excitement over the idea while climbing into your lap and snuggling up for their most favorite treat. Yep, super sweet.
  8. Breastfeeding is easy “exercise”. Breastfeeding in my favorite way to burn an extra 400-500 calories each day.
  9. They’ll wean when they’re ready. And yes, that means they won’t go away to college still attached the mama’s milk – 18 months, 22 months, 31 months, 40 months … it’s nothing to sweat about.
  10. They can verbalize what they want. For example, Max simply calls breastfeeding “milk”. He is often heard saying “more milk” or “one more milk” … sometimes “two more milk” :)
  11. They can show appreciation. Max says “thank you” to me/his milk or sometimes “bye-bye” when he’s done. He’ll even answer what milk tastes like as a sign of appreciation … currently his response is “yummy” or roaring like a dinosaur. Because I guess milk makes him feel like a hungry, but happy dino?
  12. They understand being gentle and in our case, that has eliminated any fear of biting.
  13. We avoid dehydration. Illness strikes and dehydration is always a worry. Except for breastfed little ones often want one thing when they don’t feel good … mama milk.
  14. It’s easy. Well, at least easier than it used to be. Max can easily latch. He can nurse in practically any position. We have a great supply and demand relationship which means no plugged ducts or mastitis worries.


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  1. Ashley Bree Perez says

    I have not yet had a baby to breastfeed but when I do this will most certainly come in handy. I would love to win. my email is perezashley60@hotmail.com. Thank you.

  2. darah says

    I loved breast feeding both my kids till they were older. And yeah 6, 10 and 13 were probably my favorite reasons! So glad you and max are getting this opportunity! I’m excited to get going again here in a couple weeks :) but I’ve never tried cloth pads- and I hate the disposable ones so I don’t know why I haven’t. Seems like a good time to try!

    • says

      Do try them! The Overnight ones have a PUL backing which is good for those early days. I've just now been able to get by with the heart shaped ones for lighter leaks :) But my boobs are big leakers.

  3. callie says

    I just started breastfeeding about a month ago when my first child was born. At first It wasn’t easy, but I absolutely love the bond we share as he feeds. It warms my heart and makes me feel so special!

    • says

      You're right – not easy one bit, but I'm happy you're enjoying the bond … it only gets better and better!

  4. lorisayoub says

    ohhhhhhhh Max is so sweet…well done. Your milk is better for him than cow's milk. Keep the good work

  5. Veronica Bohan says

    I havent started yet.

  6. AlexisB says

    The connection. It just makes my heart warm!

  7. Leela R says

    I have to agree that so far the best thing has been breastfeeding my toddler. The beginning was so incredibly tough, but now that he's older and we're both more experienced it's great.

  8. says

    Never needing to leave bed at 4am to make a bottle…

  9. Jennifer says

    i love that i can provide comfort during stressful times for my toddler!

  10. Kimberly says

    I breastfed my 2.5 year old until I got pregnant again and my milk dried up. My new baby boy is now 2 months old and a great eater. I think my favorite part of breastfeeding is knowing I'm giving my little people the best start I can.

  11. Kelly says

    My favorite part of breastfeeding my toddler is the look of pure bliss on her face when she sees her "boo boo's." :)

  12. sharon b says

    i didn't breastfeed my son long because i had to take medications that secreted in my milk. my favorite moments were the quiet times of just holding my newborn and looking into his eyes. bottle feeding isn't quite the same. i'm just glad i got to do it for a month. the little one in my tummy will get a month of mama's milk also. i'm ok with it all. i just want to soak that time up and know i did it.

    • says

      That's such a delicate balance and you're a wise mama for taking care of yourself and your little one! Enjoy those snuggles!

  13. Kari B. says

    My favorite breastfeeding moments are: cuddling, skin to skin contact, and looking down at my smiling babe with milk dribbling from his mouth…. I wouldn't trade these precious moments for anything!Currently breastfeeding my 17 month old son. My first born son self weaned at 20 months.

  14. Katie says

    Would love to have for next baby :)

  15. Amanda says

    I loved the closeness and moment of bonding while breastfeeding.
    It was like nothing else in the world was happening in those moments.

  16. Miriam Matheny says

    Our first is due is September and I think the biggest benefit will be the bonding experience for us. I also plan on breastfeeding into toddlerhood

  17. Candace M says

    I loved all the extra cuddles nursing my toddler!

  18. Wendy Jabkowski says

    My favorite part of breastfeeding is the cuddling and snuggling and of course not having to deal with bottles!

  19. Pam says

    I am breastfeeding a 3 month old right now and know I want to continue for until he is at least a year, but have not decided beyond that yet. I would love to win the breast-pads because I am allergic to disposables and have to use reusables.

  20. Alazrielle says

    I had to stop breastfeeding my daughter due to a hostile work environment (I won that case though). My milk dried up because I was not able to nurse her at work or pump. She's 16 months old now and I'm pregnant again and my milk has already come in, and with gusto. Has anyone ever re-nursed their toddler? I was going to nurse her originally until she was about two, but had to wean her onto formula when she was about 6 months old. I would love to pick up again and nurse her until around two, if it's possible to nurse her again, after she's been weaned? I know her pediatrician wants me to make sure she is getting two bottles of formula a day still. I haven't been able to talk to him about nursing her yet. Thoughts?

  21. OFG says

    Snuggling and comforting Ina deeper way than I ever could have expected.

  22. Nidia says

    Hello! I tried to use your coupon code on the Bamboobies site for a purchase but it kept saying "coupon does not exist." Any ideas why? Does it expire? Thanks and love your blog!

    • says

      It's fixed now and valid until 7/31/14 :) Thanks for letting me know it wasn't working!

  23. nicky says

    baby due this summer – looking forward to the breastfeeding experience and bonding with baby!

  24. Lauren says

    So I’m slightly late to this party! But this has just showed on a email from what to expect and it’s timing was perfect I’m currently 13 months into my breastfeeding journey and constently get told “it’s time to give up now” and “he can have proper milk now” so this has just given a stressed mummy a reason to smile so thank you I can wait to read the rest of your posts x

    • Lauren says

      Cant wait! Sorry really should check what I write before posting!