Bring On the Milestones, Baby!

Reid is such a good baby. The kind that gives you baby fever much too early. He’s easy going and happy go lucky. Always smiling and quite the little crawler … and one-handed balancing stander as of late! He’s a good little sleeper, comparatively to his big siblings at least, and this boy can gobble down a meal with the best of  ’em! Needless to say, we’re at a very fun, very busy stage!

Reid is hitting milestones left and right and it’s just the best to watch and document and compare with Jemma and Max’s milestones. It’s actually one of THEIR favorite things to do — to see who did what and when, what house we lived in when it happened, what outfits they all fit in to at various ages, etc. The baby books are constantly out and they’re always encouraging me to snap photos and commemorate all of Reid’s  special moments.

This week one of my very favorite milestone arrived! And no reminders were needed for me to document it. The milestone — Reid said, “Mama!”

said mama


Technically, he first said it a few weeks ago. He was super frustration and kind of growled it at me. I wasn’t sure if it was just babbling or on purpose so I decided to wait before officially documenting it. But it’s time! On the brink of 10 months, Reid is saying “Mama” … daily. I love it! It’s the sweetest sound to hear and I’m sure my big grins and happy dancing is quite the encouragement to keep him babbling “Mamamamamamama” all day long.

For over 30 exciting milestones, Milestone Baby has darling cards to document the big day. Soon we’ll celebrate Reid turning another month older with the 10 month card and I know the “Today I Stood For the First Time” is right around the corner!

milestone baby original cards


Milestone Baby cards are available in a variety of sets including Pregnancy and Newborn, Activities, and Toddlers. Childhood flies by and these milestone cards are the perfect way to capture those fleeting moments. Order, pose, smile, snap, and remember all your favorite milestones forever!


The new Limited Edition Baby Cards are totally chic and I am obsessed with Milestone Baby’s Instagram — so many cute photo ideas! Be sure to peruse the free printables from Milestone Baby too. I’m betting there will be some grand ones for the upcoming holidays!

This post is sponsored by Milestone Baby. Go here to shop and save 10% off.

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  1. Marie Cole says

    These are so cute I’m sad I didn’t have them when my little guy was younger

  2. Lynne says

    Well, those cards are just adorable ~ so many cute little things that weren’t around when this almost -a – grandma had her own babies!

  3. Caroline Duggan says

    These little cards are precious!