To the Pumpkin Farm!

Oh, the pumpkin patch! Or, as Jemma insists, the pumpkin farm :)
Jemma + Max have had two opportunities to visit the pumpkin farm thus far and Jemma is already begging her Daddy for a third visit before pumpkin season comes to a close. The first trip was with the aunts. Dominic sent me to a massage for my birthday so while I was being pampered Kiki and Hannah took the kids on an adventure. They took amazing photos!
Second trip was with Jemma’s preschool class. OMG, three year olds in mass are freakin’ adorable. Max came along and either ran amuck in his little boots or bopped around on my back. Jemma loved adventuring with her friends – visiting the animals and scouring the field for the perfect pumpkin. I didn’t snap many photos though. You know, the whole two kids/one mom, outnumbered thing. Plus, we got rearended on Tuesday and jeepers I am so sore! Totally not my normal, agile self on pumpkin patch day :( Anyways, no great pictures to share from trip #2, but great memories are tucked away for sure!

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  1. says

    Adorable! You'll have to tell me where you went. We went to Shilter's last year.

  2. says

    Pics are from Hunters and field trip was to Lattins :)