
Baby Jemma flashback! And look at those heels I used to wear to work on the daily!
Learning /// about essential oils. So. much. to. learn.
Growing /// a bit of courage to share a photo or two from my Beauty Revealed Project photo shoot. Have you liked this page on Facebook yet? It’s such a wonderful group of mamas – encouraging and cheering one another on in motherhood no matter the state of our pre or postpartum bodies. It’s such a beautiful thing to see REAL women, REAL bodies, REAL mamas. So different than what is often showcased in advertisements.
Buying /// the Civil Wars album – it has been on repeat for days.
Loving /// Jemma’s obsession with our homemade playdough that was featured over on What to Expect. Something is rating higher in life than television. Three cheers! 
Wishing /// nap times could be easier. I hate to complain about my frustration surrounding sleep because really I don’t mind that my children need me. I mean, they should need me. They are still so little and it wouldn’t be healthy if they weren’t dependent on me. But mama needs a break here and there. So I have recently partnered with a sleep coach (who is just fine with my gentle parenting preferences!) to learn a bit more about sleep, especially naps, and how we can get into a better routine. I’m excited to share more about Nicole soon!
And, three links I think you’ll enjoy … I did!
  • How Sweet It Is: Grilled Corn Cheddar Quinoa … I’m a quinoa lover and I’m going to convert Dominic soon, I just know it! Plus, this commercial has me rolling every time – you have to watch it :)
  • Family Life at CCC: How to Mourn With the Parents of Stillborn or Miscarried Children … I think we’ve all had a family member or friend lose a little one. I always want to do something, but never know what will help best.
  • Conversion Diary: A Few Thoughts on Following Your Dreams While Putting Your Family First … I alluded to this on Facebook this week because I often feel torn between fulfilling my family, my first priority, and maintaining other parts of who I am or want to become. For example, I recently opted to not continue my La Leche League training. This is something I really wanted to do, but it just isn’t fitting into my family’s current season. So, it’s on pause – for a year, or two or forever. I’m not sure. Have you put goals or dreams on hold due to your family commitments?
/// Follow That Mama Gretchen on Bloglovin’ and take a peek at this month’s featured sponsor ///
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  1. says

    I agree with your last point…I've just realized that there are seasons in life…this season is not about me. and thats ok.