We’re on the go, often. And that means these babies of mine eat while we’re out and about. This month brings 12 months of Max breastfeeding. With the almost 13 months that Jemma nursed, that means I’ve been at it for awhile, and hence, I’ve accumulated a handful of some fun and adventurous photos taken while nursing everywhere but home.
Keeping those ears poppin’ during our flights to and from Texas
Taking a snack break at the market
Nordstrom – every nursing mother’s dream
Max’s first pedicure with the girls
Max rode his first amusement park ride (the carousel) at Wild Wave Theme Park and apparently it made him very hungry :)
My lunch break view at work
Lunch break at Point Defiance Zoo
And, another zoo trip, this time at Woodland Park
The county fair with my almost 1 year old — here and here are photos of Max and I at the fair last year!
Where is the most unique place you’ve breastfed?
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I nursed Isla while touring Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. I loosened the straps on the Beco just so and she nursed away while I walked.
I nursed while walking around a store shopping. Ian was tiny then, so no one seemed to noticed. I tried again when he was 9 months and we were the stars of the store lol.
It definitely gets trickier the older they get :)
Perfect – that's truly on the go when you can keep walking while they eat!
awww, adorable :)
I'm still nursing my 2.5-year old and I'm pregnant with #4! I've nursed pretty much any and everywhere. Disney World, Stone Mountain in Georgia, boats, airplanes, parades, stores, on a trolley. My first is almost 7 so I've verb nursing for quite some time! It's definitely harder once they get past the 18-24 month mark. Love all the pictures! It's so great to have them, isn't it??