Max — 3 1/2 Years Old

max 3 and a half years old

“On your service, Captain Mommy!” 

That’s Max’s go to phrase when I ask him to do something these days. I don’t know where he got it from, but I love it. I really really love it. It’s so him. He also has been known to say, “Yes your majesty,” with a little bow (inspired by Sophia the First) and “You got it Mama Dinosaur!” This kid. He’s priceless. And wild. And everything I dreamed a little boy would be.

Three has been hard for us though. To be honest, I’ve found myself counting down until his 4th birthday. If I recall, 3 was hard with Jem too, but not quite to this intensity. And 4 was magical, so I have a lot of hope that things will even out it the coming months. Max and I have big battles over the craziest things and bigger snuggles to recover from all the emotions. This boy FEELS everything. And big. It’s both and honor and a struggle to help him carry this load, but I’m learning and hopefully becoming a better mama to him day by day. 

I’m a solid 6 weeks late from Max’s actual 3 1/2 birthday, but with things like this, late is better than never! I wish I was more consistent with marking some of these milestones with my kiddos. And yes, I know I’m a broken record in saying this. But, I’m doing my best and I’m happy it’s done now :) Also, I’m LOVING the One Day app for mini video interviews. It’s super easier for non-video people like me!

What is your favorite color? Red, like my car seat, and purple, blue, and orange too.

What is your favorite toy? Paw Patrol. My local moms group has a BST page and another mama was selling the whole set of pups with their cars. Max is in major love with them and reenacts Paw Patrol scenes all day right now. Best $20 I’ve spent in a long time! 

What is your favorite fruit? Blueberries.

What is your favorite tv show? Paw Patrol and Care Bears. Can you believe Care Bears are back?!?

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? “Cwunchy cereal called HONEY NUT CHEX, you know dat MOOOOOOOM!”

What is your favorite outfit? “My Ninja Turtle shirt!”

What is your favorite game? Doing puzzles.

What is your favorite snack? Dino nuggets.

What is your favorite animal? Eagles and cats.

What is your favorite song? “Welcome To New York … let’s boogy, Mama!”

What is your favorite book? Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Who is your best friend? “Jemma, Kiki, Mimi, Mama, and Reid … that’s my baby brother!”

What is your favorite thing to do outside? When Kiki builds my play house. 

What is your favorite drink? Water.

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Josh the eagle. His favorite souvenir from our Yellowstone trip.

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Chocolate toast. This is what he calls cinnamon raisin toast, PYSCH!, Max you’re eating raisins and you think it’s chocolate … mom win!

What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Super Why cereal. This boy is cereal obsessed and it drives me nuts.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A baby!

Read Jemma’s interview at about the same age!

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