Onya Baby Carrier Review — Wearing My Little Koalas

Ok, ok – my kiddos aren’t real koalas, but I can’t help but feel like I’m their mama koala and they are my sweet baby koalas when wearing them close in our Onya Baby Carrier. We were given the opportunity to review the Outback in this luscious burnt orange and slate gray and it’s a win for everyone who has worn Jemma and Max.
Onya’s are unique because they morphs into a travel baby seat. Take a peek at the video here and you’ll see what I mean. It’s seriously awesome and totally unique to Onya. This feature pretty much makes it the best travel carrier I’ve seen so if you’re heading out on vacation – an Onya is a must! I could walk you through all the specs, but pictures say a 1,000 words …
 Neck padding is awesome and unsnaps to reach even higher for taller babes
 See the wide seat? One of the widest I’ve experienced on soft structured carriers out there.
 Straight from Onya … “A durable, water-resistant, rip-stop nylon exterior and air-mesh lining makes it perfect for hot weather or hiking the trails. Parent and child will stay cooler with the air-mesh lining, which wicks away moisture leaving you both comfortable.” Couldn’t say it better.
 And then the neck support becomes arm pit support :)
 Adventures at the fair … he’s happier than he looks, it’s just because we left the animal barn for a moment
 Big sis (34 pounds) taking a turn with her awesome babywearing auntie! See the awesome seat the Onya creates for long-legged almost preschoolers?
 Grandma approved!
This girl fell asleep a few moments later. I’m tellin’ ya, if you thought babywearing was just for babies, you haven’t experienced the pain-free joy of a big kid piggyback with the support of a carrier.
The team behind Onya Baby Carriers are babywearing lovers just like my family. I love what they stand for and they state it so eloquently, “… we believe that babywearing – and baby carriers – are essential parenting tools that allow a parent to continue living life after their baby is born while including their baby in their daily activities. Onya Baby is a small, family-owned company. We believe that babies and children who are given lots of physical closeness, unconditional love and inclusion in all of life’s experiences when they are young grow up to become happy adults, a benefit to everyone around them. Loving parents, happy babies, and a better world for the future. That’s good stuff.
Amen, and amen.
Another Onya perk … ethical and transparent manufacturing practices. I mean, what other company do you know that gives you a behind the scenes peek at their international factory?
Connect with Onya Baby over on Facebook and Twitter. They’re totally inspiring, I’m a big fan of their posts!
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  1. says

    We call our babes cling monkeys. Looks like a nice carrier, unfortunately my husband will remind me we have enough carriers in our collection, hehe.
