Jemma | 3 Years

A new tradition. Starting at age three. A little interview.In her words.
What is your favorite color? purple
What is your favorite toy? Dora
What is your favorite fruit? apples
What is your favorite tv show? Dora the Explorer
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? dinosaur sticks (fish sticks)
What is your favorite outfit? Mama says … any shirt with an animal on it and “weggings” with purple sparkle shoes
What is your favorite game? pretending to sleep … and then she yells, “SURPRISE!”
What is your favorite snack? applesauce pouches
What is your favorite animal? elephants
What is your favorite song? ABCs
What is your favorite book? Cat in the Hat Comes Back
Who is your best friend? Paige, Sophia and “the boys”
What is your favorite cereal? blue cereal (Crispix)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? swings at the playground
What is your favorite drink? ch-wok-it milk
What is your favorite holiday? MY BIRTHDAY!
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Princess Luna, teddy bear, mama raccoon, baby raccoon and t-rex
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? “cancakes” (pancakes)
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? pizza with “bwalk fings” (olives)
What do you want to be when you grow up? an elephant
(Visited 145 times, 1 visits today)

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  1. says

    Oh my goodness she is super adorable, and gorgeous! She's a stunner! I love that you do this, and look forward to seeing how her answers change as she grows!

  2. says

    so unbelievably precious! I was thinking the other day about how this entire time I've been following Jemma's little life, smiling about her funny little mannerisms and all the big girl things she can do. Even when she was a year old, and Penny was still a glimmer.

  3. says

    So cute! And then I couldn't stop laughing about her pizza with "bwalk fings"!!

  4. says

    Haha! I know! The things they come up with!

  5. says

    Oh, how fun! She's so adorable, can't believe she's 3 now. And seriously? An elephant? Those are some pretty big shoes to fill. ;)

  6. says

    I know! I kept tossing out different options and she was insistent on an elephant … so, who knows? Maybe that translates to a zoo keeper or elephant sanctuary gal!
