Max | 12 Months

Oh Bubba. A year old? Really?
This past year has been a such a blessing. Such a joy. You have brought so much life into our family. So much laughter. Daddy and I couldn’t feel more honored to have you as our son. You’ve stretched me in so many ways – you’re making me a better person, a better mama, each and every day. Thank you sweet boy, for your smiles, your patience, your personality that exudes such comfort.
Looking back over the last year I can hardly believe that 365 days have passed. It seems like you’ve been with us forever! I know this coming year will be pure awesome sauce with you around. You’re walking like a champ and at just a year and words are rolling off your tongue like tomorrow. Recently you’ve added “here you go” and something that sounds very close to “thank you”. You sign and say “all done” and the time of animal sounds has also begun :) Goat, cow and kitty sounds are your current repertoire.

You still love food, but interestingly enough, you’ve cut back your mealtime eating in favor of more mama milk. I think because your molars are trying to work their way through and nursing is just easier and less painful. Blueberries are by far your favorite treat this summer though.

You’ve topped the charts in the high 90% weighing in at 28 pounds, 1 ounce and 31-1/2 inches tall. Everyone comments on how big and healthy you look. And I agree, mama has been seeing the chiropractor often since you spend so much time in my arms!

This last month you learned to go down the stairs and we visited the county fair. That was my last big outing last summer before you were born! It was fun to take you back and re-explore all the animals and exhibits with you in my arms instead of in my tummy. And yes, I may have teared up a bit because this year has just gone so fast and I don’t want to forget any of the precious moments we’ve shared.

Max, my little man, I love you so very much and can’t wait to experience your second year alongside you.

XOXO, Mama

Birthday party post coming soon! We had an ice cream social!

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