Spring Fashion Week | Take Two

I made it back with a few more outfits! This has been a successful week of real clothes for two reasons – 1) THE SUN! 2) Lots of errands. I do kind of miss my yoga pants, but there is always next week :)
The munchkins have been a crack up this week – so chipper and snuggly. I <3 them. Yes, <3. We’ve been cruisin’ in our new to us BOB Duallie Revolution – highly recommend. And I’ve been working on projects around the house while prepping all my items for the Just Between Friends sale. 
Dominic finished two awesome projects this week – a Pinterest inspired wall of shelves for my framed photos and a closet storage upgrade in our master walk-in. I can’t wait to fold clothes. And I’m not even being sarcastic!
Ok, on to this week’s mama fashion …
button up + shorts, old navy | hoodie, men’s department at H&M | sandals, american eagle
Wore this on our trip to Home Depot for the closet storage supplies. It was much too cold, but Dominic bought be a latte on the way so I warmed up pretty quick. Plus, ohmygoodness, my day four dirty hair turned out so chic in this headband and low poof pony. Short hair is working for me!
blouse, H&M | sweater, target | skinnies, wit & wisdom via nordstrom | wedges, indigo brand thrifted via goodwill
I wore a freakin’ silk shirt this week. Totally not normal. I had a solo meeting – no kiddos – so decided to really go for it. Oh, and I tried some fashion pose advice and this is the best I got with this outfit. Yeah, I know. Totally ridiculous. I’m looking way too far down and my arms look limp. But whatever, I’m wearing a silk shirt!
shorts, old navy | top, target | sunnies, american eagle | tevas, AKA the most comfy flip flops

Winner of the most comfy outfit right here! Super soft 3/4 sleeve sweater top from the clearance section, I love 3/4s, especially when they are only $8! And shorts were a valid choice as it reached into the 70s today – that’s sweating weather for the Northwest! I wore this to get a pedicure, since Dominic is off work right now I’ve been sneaking away every few days for some mama alone time, and then to drop off all my consignment items at Just Between Friends. Oh, and to dinner with my mom – the best spring rolls and pad thai EVER, nom nom nom.

delirious rhapsody


P.S. Dominic got a job offer and another is practically pending! Praise the Lord!!! Looks like I’ll be losing my handyman in the next week or two. Sadness. Well, I’d rather lose my handyman and pay the mortgage – so, in the long run things are gonna be just fine. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

P.S.S. I linked up with The Pleated Poppy too – totally inspired by some of the outfits over there!

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  1. says

    I love the pattern of your jacket, paired with the gingham shirt, though I'm sorry the day was too chilly! A warm drink always helps with that! And that's such a blessing that he's been offered a job!

  2. Melinda Jarnecke says

    Red looks great on you!!

  3. says

    you are so cute!! and PRAISE GOD about the job offers!!!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Seriously! It's my new place to scope out cute things :)

  5. Janae Cairns says

    LOVE the wedges! And yay to shorts! I also love the pots in the background!

  6. ThatMamaGretchen says

    My mom bought us those pots as a house warming gift – I love them too!