Oooo, Shabby Apple you make this super pregnant mama happy! Did you even know that Shabby Apple has a line specific to maternity, Mama Apple, and even better, a line for the New Mama too. Brilliant! It’s such a treat to feel pretty when you’re nearing baby’s arrival (and after) and the Serenade dress from Shabby Apple did just that for me!
The Serenade comes in three beautiful colors and after browsing my wardrobe I realized I definitely needed a pop of summer green. This dress is top quality, thick fabric with beautiful lines. Plus, it will be a great nursing dress post-baby. I just love maternity pieces that have a dual role in my closet – bump to boob access is crucial when investing in clothes these days!
I’m also in love with this dress and if I had somewhere fancy to go, this one would be on my shopping list for sure!
For all you non-pregnant ladies, plan to fall in love with the vintage dresses, blouses, skirts, swimwear, and accessories! There are even little girl dresses and a plethora of sweet things for your home. Shabby Apple has stylin’ ladies covered, that’s for sure!
A wee note on sizing … each item at Shabby Apple has a sizing chart and it’s super important that you follow it. When they say the dress is generous it’s no joke. Take your measurements and you’ll get a great fit. I’m hovering around 170 right now at 5’7″ and was pretty skeptical that a size 6 would fit me. But it did, because I followed the size chart :)
Ok, onto the best news of this Style File! Shabby Apple has a special surprise — a $50 shop credit for one lucky lady! Enter below and I’ll notify the winner next week!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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You look gorgeous! Love Shabby Apple! I really like the Bon Voyage Dress.. .
I been stalking their site wanting to buy something pretty. I really like that their dresses are more modest than most!
that's so cool! I'm having a shabby apple giveaway on my blog today too! you look awesome and pretty!! xo
Omg!! i love the 'white queen' blouse!
ooops, forgot to tell you my fave… i'd love all the mad hatter stuff, i'd love the Red Queen dress or the Alice dress :)
im obsessed with this site.. love the elizabeth-islands dress
I like the Elizabeth Islands dress!
i love the ballerina!!!
I love this print:…
I really like the fabric on the OH BABY dress. Love the swiss dots!
I'd love the Two's Company dress!
i just bought a shabby apple maternity friendly dress and i love it! This one looks great on you…i'd love that one too!
really want one of the maternity dresses!!!!
I love the L.A. Dress
I love the L.A. Dress
Love the Puca Pucara dress! P.S. You look super cute :)
I love the Serenade dress in green… just like you are wearing!! :)
i love the bernini dress! :)
The Pina Colada dress is adorable! :)
Your bump is huge, but you are still so tiny! The Bon Voyage dress is adorable!
Any maxi dress they have!!
The Bernini dress is my fave!
Love all the maxi dresses!
The SERENADE in coral is my favorite dress!
Love/need a shabby apple maxi dress – they are sooo cute!
My favorite Shabby Apple item is the Trade Winds dress.
I love the maxi dresses too! They just flatter all styles and can be worn in so many different ways. Also love the Boogie Woogie dress in the All That Jazz collection
I like the mama Mia dress.
Love Bon Voyage
I really want the V.P. Dress!
i love love love the tea time dress, the color is so gorgeous and i love lace! :D<3, Mimi
I really like the Mulholland dress–I hope it comes back in my size!
I love the Bette D dress!
I could use a nice maternity dress for a couple weddings this summer. I like the Oh Baby.
I like the Oh Baby too!
love the admiral dress!
I like the bacaami dressthansk
LOVE the cape cod skirt!
I'm interested in all the maternity stuff, but I really love the Desert Modern dress.
How did I just find your blog…as in only today? Love it! Shabby Apple is amazing too, and my fave is their Toe the Line dress.
Aw! Thanks so much :) Going to check out your blog now!
Lookin good mama!
Love the coed skirt. So nautical!
LOVE the Conservatory Garden dress. :)
i love the alice dress;)
Would love the White Queen shirt……Wish they made custom shirts as the largest they go wouldn't work with my ample bust!
Cute stuff! I like the oh baby maternity dress.
love the teacher's pet skirt!
I love the right stripes heels.
oh im in love with the desert modern dress!
I loooove the Champs Elysees dress!tiff(dot)r(dot)brand(at)gmail(dot)com