Doubling Diapers

Oh diapers, how I love thee. Kind of.

Back in the day – circa January 2012 – I had grand hopes that Jemma may potty learn prior to her brother’s arrival. It didn’t happen. Which I expected. That put me with two babies in diapers.

And here’s all the nitty gritty on that.

To boost my cloth diaper stash I started shopping second hand for used diapers. I gathered a few new to me covers and prefolds, but the bulk of my stash addition were one-size all-in-one (AIO) or pocket diapers. With two in diapers, I knew I’d need every spare second when setting up the diapering assembly line so I wanted to reduce the folding and positioning that covers and prefolds require.

Quite often I get asked about the brands/styles of my cloth diaper stash, so here’s a rough breakdown …

  • BumGenius 4.0 & Freetimes | Love both, especially the Freetimes since they require no stuffing. These also rate very high with non-mama diaper changers like Daddy, grandma and aunts. Take note – Freetimes seem to run trimmer than most diapers.
  • Thirsties covers & Duos | Can’t rave enough about the double leg gusset. Poo protection to the max.
  • Sunny Baby Diapers | An economical choice for pockets that totally get the job done! Totally impressed with these and adore the color selection.
  • Flip covers, organic prefolds & microfiber inserts | This is what I started with in 2010 with Jemma, they are holding strong and I like that I can double layer Jemma’s diapers. Hello, toddler pee comes in a major whoosh and needs mass amounts of absorbing power.

I’ve tried Goodmamas, Smartipants, Fuzzibunz and a mix of fitteds (like Kissaluvs) with wool too. I’m not a die hard fan for any one type or brand. Most of all I’ve found that different diapers work for different things. Out and about? I love the quickness of an AIO of pocket. Nap time or overnight? Covers with a prefold and hemp insert in the middle. Church nursery? I send the littles in disposables – Seventh Generation are my first pick. Toddlers? Covers with two microfiber inserts. Newborn? Duos, Fuzzibunz or Sunny Baby (less bulky while still doing the job). At home? Fitteds and woolies.

So, yeah … I love all our diapers. Even more, I love how much they save us every month. I can’t even imagine the cost of using disposables full-time for two babies. Yikes!

In addition to the actual diapers I stocked up on Rockin’ Green diaper soap, an extra large wet bag to fit diapers for two on the go and I made a bunch of flannel and bamboo cloth wipes.

No doubt I’m getting weary of two in diapers. But, that’s just how the cookie factory crumbles, right? Once we’re settled into the new house I’m planning to reassess Jemma’s interest in potty learning and go from there. She seems to being growing in her potty awareness, but that’s a whole post in and of itself!

Have you diapered two? Or dare I imagine, three? What are your tips? Your favorite diapers? Let’s talk our fave dipes & more! And while you’re at it, why not enter the tremendously awesome giveaway for 3, yes three, Sunny Baby Diapers and a $25 credit to Upa-Lala!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. You can use code thatmamagretchen for 15% off at Upa-Lala too! Three cheers for savings! 
This post is sponsored by Sunny Baby Diapers and Upa-Lala. I truly appreciate when you choose to support my blog and the sponsors I work with. You’re fabulous!

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  1. Anonymous says

    What a great giveaway! I would put the credit toward a ring sling I think. :D

  2. Bianca says

    A girl could always use more wet bags! I love Upa-lala's unique prints!

  3. lidia s says

    i haven't used any yet but would love to

  4. lidia s says

    Urban Zoologie – Owls Royal

  5. upa-lala says

    Please use thatmamagretchen for 15% off at upa-lala. Thanks for doing the giveaway Gretchen!

  6. says

    Cloth diapering for the first little. He goes through diapers like no one's business so getting a few more would be wonderful!

  7. Megan says

    Would like to try cloth diapering, especially for an upcoming mission trip overseas. I think it would just be easier to wash instead of traveling with tons of disposables…

  8. says

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. says

    Just started growing our stash for our first little. Thanks for all the info on the types you prefer for different times! I've picked up quite a few Free times and a newborn GDiaper stash on diaper swapper boards. Looking forward to a cute fluffy bottom!

  10. Sophia says

    I cloth two, both a mix of bumgenius 4.0 and sunny baby. It's a part of life, though work, becomes a routine that just fits right into life with 3 kids 3 and under.

  11. Scott and Jamie Durh says

    I have a 5 month old in diapers and almost 3 yr old in just a night time diaper. My tip would be to use infant prefolds as doublers/triplers for older kid's diapers. They work great! I made most of the diapers I have for my kids and they are still going strong!

  12. Scott and Jamie Durh says

    all the patterns on the bags are cute! would love any of them.

  13. Jordan Baez says

    i've only got one in diapers & we only have him part time, but i can imagine two littles in cloth is a lot to handle!!! i want to start cloth diapering & winning this giveaway would be an AWESOME way to begin!!!

  14. Bianca says

    So far only diapering the one.. But saving our stash for #2, hopefully most will last through #3! We use BG and SunBaby diapers mostly. The Sunbaby diapers are economical pockets..but I don't see them lasting as long as the BG brand. For the price ($60 for 12), I'm happy though!

  15. Tara E says

    have only diapered one yet… baby #2 is coming in July and my son will be 3, so he should be all trained by then. yay! fave diapers include Sweet Sparrow Design, Applecheeks, AMP. I found that I liked pockets best.

  16. Tannis W says

    I haven't cloth diapered yet! I like the look of applecheeks diapers, and the idea of a pocket diaper sounds good, I just haven't had the chance to try cd'ing yet.

  17. Stormy says

    i've diapered two at a time but never cloth as i have never cloth diapered a child

  18. Jscho says

    Just finished diapering one with one on the way in May. My faves are Bumgenius Elementals for anything past 9 months. I loved the grovia AIOs for the smaller sizes 0-6 months since they are so trim, but they do show a lot of wear over time. I will say that doing 'part-time' elimination communication with my first child made Potty training/learning a breeze since she was already used to going on the potty. It was just a matter of ME being ready to commit to full time potty. Highly recommend EC! :)

  19. Holly says

    I have diapered two but none in these diapers :) Hopefully the next will get to try these!

  20. Heather Carroll says

    A medium wet bag!

  21. Jessica O says

    I have only diapered 1 baby at a time, couldn't imagine 3!

  22. Jessica O says

    I would get the Daisies and Dots – Turquoise Blue wetbag with the gc

  23. emily says

    I cloth diapered one for six months. Hoping to get a bigger stash and with baby number two be able to do it the whole time. Yeah for saving the environment!

  24. Mandy says

    I've been wanting to try cloth diapering out. Fingers crossed ;)

  25. Beth R says

    I am about to cloth diaper to so we will see how it goes :) We are doing prefolds and covers for the baby and some os for our older with pockets and aio's

  26. says

    I have only diapered one child. And we arent planning on having any more.-Patricia Barnes-

  27. says

    I think i would put the credit toward a wet bag. You can never have to many!-patricia barnes-

  28. says

    I have only diapered one and I love pockets for daytime, fitteds for night. I like the bikini bags, they would be great for cloth diapers on the go

  29. says

    Cloth diapering is the best parenting decision I've made yet. I just added some of the new flip training pants to our stash of flips and bumgenius 4.0s.

  30. Betty Jackson says

    I havent diapered two yet…but I have a toddler (not quite ready to PL…this summer maybe?) and a squishy on the way! I'm sure some where in there they will both be in diapers together! My tip is to take it easy, do research, and dont get over whelmed. Stick with it. It's amazing!

  31. Lolli S says

    I have cloth diapered my daughter since she was a newborn ( she is 15 months old now). Cloth diapering is one of the best decisions I have ever made. Best tip for washing cloth diapers: Read manufacturers instructions and rinse rinse rinse!! Also I never use the dryer, I always hang dry my diapers.

  32. Kelsie Harris says

    I haven't diapered 2 at a time yet, but will be soon. I'm expecting my 2nd and my first is only beginning to potty train.

  33. Charity Meals says

    I have yet to start cloth diapering. Our first is due in July!

  34. says

    im just diapering one and thats enough for me! my favs are thirsties and applecheeks but if i could do it all over Id just go with cheap covers and flats

  35. says

    i love the ring slings and the giraffe wet bag. id get those

  36. Beth Rees says

    I love the eco bag in Optic Blossom

  37. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Love the double gussets on Thirsties – those hold poo like no other :)

  38. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Congrats! You'll love doing cloth!

  39. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Such a good plan to try out lots of different options! The best part is – cloth diapers hold their value like no other so if you end up with some you don't love you can most likely resell them.

  40. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Yay! You're getting closer to holding your bundle! Congrats!!!

  41. says

    I have only diapered one at a time. I did have two girls 14 months apart, but when next baby was born she said she was never wearing diapers again, and hasn't! she potty trained herself at 14 months!

  42. Ashley Kling says

    I only have one baby, but plan to have another, I'm sure before he is out of diapers, we want our babies to be close in age!

  43. Charity Meals says

    I would use my credit for one of the wet bags. I love the designs.