Hello 2013

Well hello there middle of January! How did we already find ourselves here? Slow start on the 2013 resolutions I suppose. Oops.

Regardless, to keep myself accountable, here’s the list.

  1. Plan Max a special birthday. I know things between my first and second child will never be equal, but I’m doing my best to make them fair. Special things for each of them that honor who they are and how important they are to me. Jemma had a super fun first birthday and I want to do the same for Max. Plus, I’ve always wished for a summer birthday so we can host it in a park!
  2. Read 13 books. I may exceed this, but I’m goin’ all plain Jane and sticking with 13 since that is this year’s magical number, lol.
  3. Oomph my crochet skills. I purchased and followed this pattern for two Christmas gifts and I’m excited to find another pattern, YouTube the stitches and get crafty.
  4. Slow blogging. I’m sure you’ve heard of this new phenomenon … the idea of forgoing a blogging schedule and just being more at peace with what happens in the online life. I’m not disappearing, I’ve made some wonderful friends thanks to this lovely blog and want to continue documenting the day to day for my children. I’m still sorting out what exactly that means, but it is on my heart and I’m looking forward to a slower pace.
  5. Setting up house! By far I’m most excited about adding my our flair to our new home. It’s going to be a slow journey because half our furniture/decor is college leftovers and the other half won’t even come close to filling our new home, moving from 2 bedroom to a 4 bedroom plus den plus bonus room will do that to ya. We cut up all our credit cards in 2007 and we’re not going back so new (or new to us) furniture will be joining us over the next year or two. First purchase priorities are a fridge and washer/dryer – not the most fun, but definitely the most necessary.
  6. Expand my paid writing opportunities. I have loved contributing weekly over at Baby Gizmo these last few months. Five years ago or even two, I would have never guessed that I would be a paid writer. Having a part-time job that allows me to work after bedtime is key to my sanity! Plus, the bit of extra income I make will definitely help in furnishing our new home.
  7. Expand our dairy-free meals. Slowly but surely I’m hoping to cut out dairy from my diet. To do this, I need some new staples and am planning to explore this venue of cooking in 2013.
  8. Vitamin & supplement assessment. I am awful at keeping a routine with my daily vitamins. Before I get back on it, I want to assess what everyone in our family needs, research the best way to get it, and get organized with our health!
  9. Set technology times. Technology is at my fingertips wherever I go. In line with slow blogging, I want to better manage my time interacting with technology – TV, computer, and my iPhone mostly. A Facebook fast is most definitely in the works.
  10. Get to know our neighbors. Dominic and I have never lived anywhere for longer than 2 years, but this new house and these neighbors, we’re hoping to be around for awhile so I’m hoping to forge some decent relationships with them once we get settled. Little welcome presents, a cul-de-sac BBQ … I’m stewing on a few ideas.
  11. Year long memory projects. I have two on my radar … the 52 Project and a month by month Project Life (just ordered the olive edition and can’t wait to begin)!
  12. Start a bucket list. This may be my last year of annual goals. I think I’m going to start a lifelong bucket list, I have a preliminary list and will share it soon.
  13. Faciliate Jemma’s goals. Yep, Jemmie has her own goals (that we’re doing together) and I’ve already got a head start on the children’s museum one – we had a play date there on Monday!

Oh, and my word for 2013. It’s settle. Kind of an odd one compared to others I’ve seen, but it keeps coming to the front of my mind. It means to calm or quiet or to organize and that is the spirit I want to approach this year with.

Cheers to a productive year!


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  1. says

    Oh I love this list… I might have to copy most of it!