Right before Christmas Jemma weathered her first major cold. At the same time she had a molar are two working through as well and we were generally a mess of snot and unhappiness :(
But, we came through and were well by Christmas – YAY!
Here’s a few of our favorite tips and tricks for kicking the sickness …
- Chiropractor Visit – The chiropractor fixed Jemma’s first ear infection without antibiotics and getting adjusted can help drain fluid from a cold too. We’re actually going to be in a short promo video for our chiropractor’s office soon. I’ll share it when it’s live :)
- Steam Machine – Our steam machine is a cold one and worked really well in loosening up all her nose junk. Just be sure to let it completely air out before packing away so mildew doesn’t become a problem. Breathing mildew air doesn’t help anyone’s cold!
- Supplements – In addition to infant Tylenol (for nighttime discomfort and teething) I tried by best to boost Jemma’s immune system with echinacea, elderberry, and vitamin D drops (blended into juice or a smoothie).
- Upright Sleeping – I think Jemma decided she liked sleeping on a pillow during her cold, by slightly elevating her head she was able to stay asleep a little better. We also took upright naps on the couch. My pillow is a very firm memory foam type material – use your best judgement when allowing your child to sleep with extra pillows or blankets.
- Hydration – Yummy smoothies, water with a dash of juice, or breastmilk, whatever encourages your little one to keep the liquids flowing.
- Keep Close – I love babywearing all the time, but it’s extra special when Jemma isn’t feeling well. She snuggles close, naps, and gets a little extra comfort by being attached to mama. I’ll often wear a sports bra and leave Jem without a shirt to encourage skin-to-skin as a healing boost :)
- BRAT Diet – Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast! The perfect menu for wee ones who aren’t feeling super.
- Amber Teething Necklace – Amber is know to sooth aches and pains and whether it be teething or a cold, Jemma loves to sport her necklace. Ours is from this Etsy shop and totally worth the investment.
What are your favorite ways to survive the sickies at your house?
P.S. Code Name: Mama just shared a great post about natural remedies for itty bitty babies battling a cold. Check it out here!
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Thank you for sharing!! I've never heard of the BRAT diet before – very cute :)
We seriously swear by Cod Liver Oil. It takes some getting used to, but none of us have been sick so far. I take 1 Tbsp. (preg & nursing moms dose), Andy takes 2 tsp., and the girls take 1/2 tsp. in a little dropper. They don't mind it at all! I get it from Vitacost.com – Sonne's brand – or you can get it from the Green Pastures company.
I have to add that to my Vitacost shopping list! I keep hearing great things about it!