Oh, well, hey there handsome fella!
Words can’t quite describe how wonderful life is with you. You fill each day with smiles and giggles (a few tears on occasion too) and Jemma and I can’t get enough. Daddy too, but Jem and I are the ones who put in the long hours with you :) We’ve been practicing rolling over and you’ve succeeded a few times – those chubby thighs and round tummy make it a bit difficult. Sitting up, with your wide base and strong arms, seems to be a bit easier. You puff up your chest and smile so big when you’re sitting – like you are the king of the forest.
You love tickles, bath time, singing songs, nursing, and having your head rubbed. On the flip side, you still hate car rides. And when mama walks out of your line of sight. You adore your sister and all her antics and I know you can’t wait to begin crawling and mimicking everything she does.
On the 11th, when you were 4 months and 2 days, we visited the doctor for your wellness checkup. You weighed in at 19 pounds, 7 ounces (97th percentile) and 27 1/2 inches long! You’re fit as a fiddle! Praise the Lord!
Your daytime “schedule” is super up in the air – mostly because of Jemma’s loudness and you’re lack of interest in napping solo. I’m ok with that though, because nighttime is a dream. You and Jemma both go to bed at 7:30 pm. You usually wake up once or twice before you are fully settled in for the night. You sleep nuzzle me for a snack once or twice in the wee hours and wake for the day anywhere between 8-9 am. That sure explains your affinity for cat naps during the day, doesn’t it? When you do nap you prefer to snuggle mama, lounge in a wrap, or swing, in that order. I feel way more rested than I ever expected. Now, if I could just stick to a decent bedtime, we would be set!
Thinking back I remember 5 months being one of my favorite months with Jemma, so I’m looking forward to the coming weeks with anticipation. Your personality is growing, booming really. You have the best faces ranging from super silly to Mr. Serious to quite inquisitive. It is such a blessing to watch you soaking up the world around you.
I love you to bits my boy, forever and always, Mama loves you. Don’t ever forget.
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super cute. and i finally published max's birth story! we talked ages ago and then we had a bunch of births back to back! heres the link :) http://www.cincinnatibirthphotography.com/2012/12… thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for sharing! I've loved reading all the birth stories you post!
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