There’s no doubt about it. It’s the little things that make my days memorable. Granted they are also the little things that drive me crazy. But, memorable nonetheless. I mean, if it wasn’t for the little things life would be pretty darn boring.
Looking at these pictures I’m filled with awe at the sweet blessings the Lord has given me. I can’t imagine life without Jemma and Max. And to think, they didn’t exist just a few years ago!
With them, I never know what the days will hold. From early mornings pancake mixing parties (yesterday), to giggle fests (hilarious), to three in a bed nap time snuggles (bliss), to pre-dinner meltdowns (scary) … it’s pretty fantastic. Truly, I wouldn’t trade it. I may pull out my hair and send crazy postpartum emoticons via text to my husband, but I wouldn’t trade it.
A few weeks ago I started tagging some of my Instagram photos with #littlethings as I captured the itty bitty moments of my life. As much as I relish big celebrations, it’s really the day to day minutia that makes my heart sing. The hum drum. The normal. The random. I don’t want to forget these little things. Ever. Like never ever – Taylor Swift style. Then, I stumbled upon Hello Hue‘s “It’s the Little Things” link-up and knew I had to join. I’m excited to start sharing my #littlethings here!
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Those shoes are so freaking cute! Love this post. It's so important to appreciate the little things.