The Story of Me, Baby Gizmo, and Being a WAHM

Back in July I created a fancy little resume and sent it off to Baby Gizmo. They were hiring editors for their blog and I was super interested in becoming a regular writer.

By the start of August I hadn’t heard anything and was feeling a bit down. You see, I didn’t start out blogging to become a writer. But, after applying to Baby Gizmo and processing what it would look like to regularly contribute to a parenting website I’ve determined that writing is something I really want. Honestly, it’s kind of something I need. Writing is the perfect gig to share my thoughts, work from home, and have some goals outside of convincing Jemma to eat green foods and coaxing Max to relax his tummy and fart. Whether it be paid, carnival contributions, or my own personal journaling here at TMG, it’s something I’m choosing to invest in.

One night, in all my pregnant glory, I lamented to Dominic about not being hired at Baby Gizmo. Boo-hoo for me. He consoled me, like all fabulous husbands do, promised me a milkshake treat the next day, and we crawled into bed. Caring for a pregnant mama can be SO EASY sometimes – wipe her tears and promise her food. Boom. You’re awesome in two seconds plat. Dominic assured me there would be other opportunities down the road. All in good time. 

The next day an email from Baby Gizmo popped into my inbox. They were asking me to contribute a guest post as a writing sample. Eek! I made it to round two!

I wrote this post and then Max was born! I sent off an email letting them know I would be busy for a week or so, but was still very interested in joining the editor team. I was offered the position and have since been writing twice a week for Baby Gizmo. YAY! 

It has been such a rewarding experiencing to dream up new posts and have my writing shared elsewhere. I hope you’ll check out Baby Gizmo on occasion, the other writers are fabulous just like me ;), and take a peek at the posts I’ve shared there thus far!

Toss me a post idea or two in the comments and maybe I’ll be inspired to write something for Baby Gizmo based on your idea!

P.S. Are we friends on Facebook? If not, you’re totally missing out! I love sharing articles I’m reading, posts I’m writing, and awesome status updates like this … 

When Max farts and burps I jump for joy (since it makes him happy), on the other hand, when Max’s Dad farts and burps I want to scream and gag … why is that?
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