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Last year on September 12th I started my dream job. I quit my position as an enrollment advisor at a local college and had my first day at home with Jemma. I donned flips flops and jeans instead of heels and my favorite Ann Taylor Loft dress – it was going to be a good day.
I don’t remember exactly what we did, probably a walk and a trip to Target. I’m guessing I made a real meal for dinner instead of the normal freezer option. Even though I don’t remember the exact details, I do remember this: I was starting the hardest, most rewarding job ever and I was blessed to be about my new business.
My journey to become a stay at home wife and mama didn’t come easily. I knew I always wanted a family and I knew I wanted to be present with them. When the pieces started coming together I began to realize that being at home was much easier said than done. Dominic and I had made financial goals that required us both to work full-time and I enjoyed my job. But still, I felt called to be at home.
After Jemma was born I felt that calling even more. I knew I couldn’t do it all, but I desperately wanted to. I wanted to be at home, work away, volunteer, travel, craft, blog, cook, and eventually, have more children. Such a catch-22. Dominic and I prayerfully decided for me to return to work when Jemma was 4 months old. We outlined our plan and determined that we could finish paying off our school loans and put some money into savings if I worked for 7 months. And so I did. From the beginning of February through the first week of September I left my sweet girl with her amazing nanny 4 days each week. It was the hardest time of my life – leaving my girl, pumping, trying to focus on work, trying to stay committed to our plan. Some days I look back and still don’t know how I did it week in and week out.
Then September 8th came and I said goodbye to my fabulous coworkers. Dominic, Jemma, and I spent a relaxing weekend together as a family of three and on Monday I launched into my new career – homemaking and mothering.
This year has been a busy one, full of many surprises. Last year I never would have guessed we would be where we are now – a family of four, having moved, and building a house. I’m so thankful for where the Lord has led us this year. We faithfully pursued our family’s goals and dreams and He has truly honored the deepest desires of our hearts.
Being a SAHM has been one hundred times harder than I ever imagined. I’ve touched more poop than I thought existed in the world, done a bajillion loads of laundry, burnt a few meals, and dried many tears – including my own. It’s also the best job. I’m home every night when Dominic gets off work, I witness countless adorable moments, and I have the opportunity to soothe Jemma (and now Max) to sleep. Some days I feel overwhelmed by all there is to do – I trip on toys that need to be picked up, smell stinky diapers that need to be washed, and see mountains of laundry and dishes awaiting my attention.
Then I remember I’m home for a much bigger reason than presenting picturesque living quarters. I’m home to be present with my family. I’m home to fill their love tanks each day, tuck them in at night, disciple them in their love for the Lord, and make sure they have fun living life and learning as they go. I’m home to create memories, cherish moments, and embrace our future together. When the overwhelming moments come barreling in, I hold tight to these thoughts. I have a purpose as a mama and nothing can keep me from striving to fulfill that purpose. It’s too precious of a calling to forget.
I thought it would be fun to recap a few of my favorite posts from my first year as a SAHM. Here they are:
Finding a Routine
Jemma’s ONE-erland Birthday Party
Who I’ve Become
Announcing Baby #2
Our Texas Vacation
The Witching Hour
What Does a 16 Month Old Do All Day?
Jemma Jones
Our Cozy Corner
Announcing the Arrival of …
And last, but not least, I’ll end with Ruth Hulbert Hamilton’s words. I am sure they ring true on a daily basis for many of us.
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every once in a while i miss having a 'real' job and talking to adults, but i would never trade it for these moments i'm having staying at home with the boys!
Thank the Lord for blog land – that gives me a little bit of the "talking to adults" aspect of life :)
So true! I've recently been struggling with being a SAHM, and I loved that you said it's your purpose. Raising a family is something we have to work for and towards, just like a job. I'm glad you included the hard things, dishes, laundry etc, because staying home is hard! But it's also wonderful… snuggles, kisses, smiles even better! I love that poem, and am totally stealing it!
Such a wise perspective. Going in, 20 years sounds like such a long time to raise a family, but along the way and especially once they've left the nest, you'll keep wondering how it's flown by SO quickly!! This Gran is so proud of you and That Daddy. Happy, happy anniversary, DIL!
It is a struggle! You're not alone there! I feel like I have to take so many minutes/hours/days just one at a time so I get through in one piece. Remembering that this is my calling and purpose as a wife and mom helps keep things in perspective. It doesn't always make it easier though!
i always forget that you started out as a working mama. I'm glad you enjoy your new(isn) job. It's pretty great. I love when other mamas are around at home too. It makes it so much nicer to be home. You do such a great job mama!
Thanks so much, Rin!