Birthday Wish List

October is birthday month around here. Which means preparation begins in September. Specifically September 9th (the day after my sister’s birthday). 
You see, growing up I wasn’t allowed to discuss my birthday until after Katie’s birthday ended. Seems like a good parenting plan. Totally giving my mom a high five. Although, back then I didn’t like it because that gave me a mere 26 days to plan my birthday whereas, Katie had June 3rd-September 7th to plan her birthday since our other sister’s birthday was June 2nd. Anyways, I’ll probably do the same thing with Jemma and Max since they’re spread out between August and October.
All that to say, I’m in full planning mode for both Jemma and I. Our international student even has an October birthday!  
I’ve been tallying up a wish list and wanted to share – some of this will definitely be stretching over Christmas and maybe even Valentine’s Day. Birthdays are special around here, but not a billion dollars worth special. 
One, The Civil Wars |  I’ve been soaking them up on Pandora, but really want to listen to them in the car. My car stereo stresses out over burned CDs so I need to get the real deal.
Two, Noonday Collection Scarf | You’d think this scarf was the inspiration for my new blog design, I’m obviously crushing on coral and cream. Bring on the cozy fall colors! When mixed with a cowl, it’s pretty much perfection.
Three, Rifle Paper Co. iPhone Case | I heart everything Rifle Paper Co., but tend to collect journals instead of writing in them. So, an iPhone case seems fitting. Except I don’t have a 5 yet. Next upgrade though, this baby will be mine.
Four, Anthro Inspired Headband | I may have permanently borrowed my sister’s Anthro headband a really long time ago. I love it so much, I kinda want another. This one from Etsy is darling! Plus, nothing spices up a tee and yoga pants like a sparkly headband :)
Five, Orla Kiley Tote | You guyz! This is already on its’ way. I can’t wait! It’s my new mom bag!!! My mama and sisters pooled together and totally blessed me. Eek! My first Orla Kiley. The only other thing I’ve had is the Target soaps, lol! I mean, I would really love this bag. I hope someone orders it for me … I would be really really surprised.
Six, Gizeh Flor Birkenstoks | And with these I will have my official crunchy mama card. Which I obviously need. P.S. If any of you are looking for a home for size 39 Birks or see any while out thrifting … hit me up! Must build my collection of crunchy mama shoes.
Seven, doTERRA Lotus Diffuser | I’m on the brink of falling into the essential oils world and keep hearing how amazing this diffuser is. 
Eight, The Mason Bar Company Tumbler | Yep, totally need this beauty! I’m always sipping on water and with our recent produce co-op share I’ve been smoothie-ing more too.
Not pictured, but still worth mentioning | Starbucks $, obviously. Kyodan yoga pants, currently selling at TJ Maxx and Marshalls and seriously the best thing ever. Massage, because I need this for my sanity and health and have found a super gal who is just starting out and only charges $40/hour. Also, sleeping in and eating pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Maybeplusalso, a date night to a yummy restaurant – I’m thinking about trying a new place or going to our old curry standby.
Pretty much, I believe in birthdays. Even sweeter, Dominic believes in birth day anniversaries which means I get a little something on each of the kid’s birthdays too. He even gets my mama something on my birthday every year to honor her birth day anniversary. Dominic is also spelled K-E-E-P-E-R.
Twenty seven is going to be a lovely year. Be sure to stop by the blog on the big day, October 5th. There’s going to be an amazing surprise for you too!

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  1. says

    Dom is awesome! And I just got an idea on how to honor Matt's mama on his birthday!

  2. says

    Happy early birthday! you have fabulous taste!

  3. says

    Thanks :) I feel like my accessories have to speak for my taste these days since I don't get dressed up for work anymore, lol!

  4. says

    Those are fantastic things to wish for! :D Happy upcoming birthday month! I love October!

  5. says

    haha, I like the plan of having only one kid talking about their birthday at once. 4 of my family members, though, have a birthdays with one month, so I don't think they'd like it, but it wouldn't bother me! :P

  6. says

    Yeah – that might be kind of hard in the planning department!