Welcome to the August 2012 Carnival of Natural Parenting: Farmer’s Markets
This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about something new they’ve learned about their local farmers.
There is no doubt Jemma is a Farmer’s Market girl. She inhales all the delicious foods and points out every doge and biiirrrrd she sees. We’ve loved experiencing the market alongside her and can’t wait for the coming years when the market can become even more of a learning opportunity.
Right now I’m working on an alphabet I Spy book for our trips to the market. Shutterfly frequently has great coupons for their photo books so I’ll most likely order from there once all my pictures are finalized. I’ve been collecting pictures this year and can’t wait to piece it all together! Here’s our alphabet so far …
A – Apples, Apricots
B – Bicycle, Berries, Baskets, Benches
C – Cherries, Cauliflower
D – Dog, Drinks
E – Eggs
F – Flowers, Fish, Family, Food Truck
G -Goat Cheese
H – Herbs
I – Ice
J -Jelly, Juggling, Jewelry
K – Kids, Kale
L – Lotion
M – Mama, Melon, Music, Meat
N -Nuts
O – Orange, Onions
P – Peaches, Pastries
Q – Quiet
R – Raspberries, Reusable Bags, Rhubarb
S – Sunflowers, Spinach, Stroller
T – Tie Dye
U – Umbrella
V – Violin
W – Watermelon
X – XOXO, market hugs and kisses :)
Y – Yellow, Yarn
Z – Zucchini
I can’t wait to share the final product after our photo collecting is done this summer! Feel free to chime in with other ideas for letters – I’m definitely looking for continued inspiration!
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Very cute idea, and I love your suggestion of using the free Shutterfly book option! ~Dionna @ CodeNameMama.com
Great idea! Love going to the market with my baby.
I JUST saw someone pin this idea about making an alphabet book with family images and I think it's the BEST idea ever I love the market twist too. brilliant. must start my own project now!
That's a fantastic idea! I love it! Can't wait to see the finished product!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!! It sounds like a great project for my daughter, who loves photography, and my son who is just beginning to put his letters and sounds together…. Wah hooo! Love it!
What an awesome idea, Gretchen! My kids always loved homemade books … even though we had lots of books, I think the homemade ones were their favorites. Shutterfly is such a great option for photo books, too! :)
Love this idea. It would be cool to print them on fabric so the book can be enjoyed by baby too. :)
What a fabulous idea! I love the idea of an I Spy game through the farmers market, and having a book as inspiration would be lovely. Can't wait to see yours when it's done!
That is an awesome idea!
This is what I love about this group. This is a super idea that would work well for toddlers and pre-schoolers. I love it!