Step One.
Step Two.Mark the halfway point across the bottom of the back of each picture, then draw a diagonal line from that mark to each of the top two corners.

Step Three.Cut along the lines you have drawn on each picture.

Step Four.Punch a hole in both top corners of every picture {I punched all eight at once to make sure they were lined up correctly}

Step Five.Carefully string each picture onto the yarn/ribbon that you are using. Leave four/five inches at each end for hanging, and an inch or two inbetween each triangle.

And that’s it! If you want you could knot a loop in each end of the ribbon/yarn to hang it with. I have plans to make many more to decorate our bookshelves!!

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What a great idea! It has never occurred to me to use an old picture book for bunting. I love it!
Very cute. I love the way this looks, but I just couldn't fathom cutting a up a book. Maybe I could use this as a project to salvage the books my sweet little Max ripped up one day. He had to pick the good ones.(Where the Wild Things Are and Blueberries for Sal) I may have cried a little.
Already ruined or roughed up books are the only ways I can re-purpose them too! In those cases though, I'm happy to give them a new life :)