I’m going to start off with all the lameness of 36 weeks … I’m planning to end on a happy note though, so bear with me :)
- It’s much too hot and I can’t find the right combination of open windows at night and AC
- Mostly because I am in the midst of the WORST allergy debacle of my entire life
- Which has led to an obscene amount of daily supplements in relation to pregnancy and allergies
- For pregnancy … prenatal vitamins, magnesium/calcium powder, vitamin D, Floradix iron (gag), probiotics, and Emergen-C (my sis is sick so I’m trying to ward off any germs)
- For allergies … Hyland’s homeopathic allergy tablets, occasional Benadryl, bee pollen granules, eye drops, and frequent showers to rinse off pollen, plus, lots of tissue for my nose that is running a marathon every hour
- I also have this awful crotch cracking happening
- I’m sure there is a technical term for that, but that’s pretty much the gist of it … I walk or roll over or don’t sit just right and I get this sharp crotch pain and then it pops
- And yes, I’m going to the chiropractor, doing rebozo, pelvic rocks, lunges, sitting on my birth ball, and every other optimal baby positioning exercise I can think of
- We are making some major adjustments to our birth plan in regard to birth location and when family will join us after the birth … I’m such a planner and I’m at my wit’s end making changes so late in the game
- We are no closer in regard to finding the perfect boy name
- My belly peaks out from almost all of my maternity shirts, yikes
And … the happiness:
- Maternity pictures at an abandoned train car – how awesome is that? Sad note … a lightning storm cut our session short so we’ll be doing a phase 2 soon
- My weight gain has slowed down, I’m hovering right around 172 which is +35
- I ordered my very own push present … a serger from Costco!
- We set up the co-sleeper and Jemma’s baby doll sleeps there now (in preparation for when a real baby is there), she’s totally into giving baby a kiss, saying “shhhhh”, and whispering whenever she is near
- Bravo’s Pregnant in Heels makes me feel incredibly normal
Dearest Brother …
Before I know it, you’re going to be here in my arms! I can hardly believe it. It seems just like yesterday that Jemma was announcing you in her big sister shirt. Now your sister is kissing my belly and you two are bumping each other back and forth! What a pair you two will be :)
I love you to bits and am so excited to see your sweet face. Only a little longer! Grow happy and healthy my little man and I’ll snuggle you in my arms soon!
XOXO, Mama
I had cramps…but Crotch cracks sound painful (and the image was quite the gift…thank you).
Whoa, lady… you're almost there! (Cheers from the sidelines) Keep that chin up, mama! Crotch pain and all (cause goodness, that sucks).
You look great!!
Thanks for the encouragement :)
I just love your belly!! What midwives did you guys end up going to?
Our midwife is based in Issaquah, but she has an office in Tacoma too :)
Hi gretchen! I just found out im 6 weeks pregnant with #2. I have been getting migraines already, just like last time, and read that taking magnesium can help prevent migraines during pregnancy. I asked my doc if i should take a magnesium supplement, and she advised me not to, yet didnt explain why.( This was via email). So, im curious, how much do you take each day and what is the reason you take it? Im in the process of trying to switch to a midwife instead of a doctor, but im not holding my breath since i have kaiser. Anyway, id love to have some more amunition/info for my doc on why i should be able to take a magnesium supplement. So, any info you have, would be appreciated. Thanks! Heather
Congrats on #2 :)No bueno on migraines though :(I take a calcium/magnesium mix every night, about 1-2 teaspoons diluted in water: http://www.vitacost.com/natural-vitality-natural-…. I started taking it to help me sleep better. I haven't heard about it not mixing well with pregnancy, took this with both Jemma and brother. Not sure what the concern would be, but I'm no doctor. I did find these two articles that seem in support of a mag supplement for migraines: http://www.pregnancyandbaby.com/pregnancy/article… http://preggiwithmigraine.blogspot.com/2008/07/magnesium-migraines-and-pregnancy.html Hope you find a good fix! And, best of luck with transferring to a midwife! Not sure if going outside of Kaiser is an option, but with Jemma we found that paying out of pocket with a midwife wasn't too much more of an expense when compared to our insurance co-pay. Just a thought :)
Thanks so much for the info! And good news, I heard back from kaiser and they have a midwife available to take over my pre natal care! I'll be talking with her about magnesium supplements!
Thanks so much for the info! And good news, I heard back from kaiser and they have a midwife available to take over my pre natal care! I'll be talking with her about magnesium supplements!