How far along: 21 weeks, 4 days
Gender: It’s a boy! I have officially guessed wrong with every child!
Weight gain: Plus 10 pounds. Works for me.
Sleep: I finally got consistent with taking my mag calm and it’s doin’ wonders for me in the sleep department.
Best moment this week: A healthy as pie ultrasound! So relieved to hear that all is well with my little man. Growing strong, dates right on track, anterior placenta … all that jazz.
Worst moment this week: Nothing related to pregnancy. We did lose two amazing people to cancer from our college circle in the last week. One of Dominic’s hall mates who had just turned 30 and a coworker of mine from when I worked at the college. They both leave behind spouses and the latter, three children. My heart absolutely breaks for them, for us; these two were beautiful souls have been blessed to meet Jesus far sooner than any of us ever imagined.
Miss anything: Nope.
Movement: So, I learned I have an anterior placenta! This explains why I feel kicks down low and more on my right side! But yes, my little guy moves around often, especially when I’m aiming to fall asleep :)
Cravings: Wendy’s Apple Pecan Chicken Salad … with extra pecans. Dom and I stopped on a whim when we needed a quick lunch and I have fallen in love. It’s perfect, not too spendy and the pomegranate vinaigrette is my new favorite!
Queasy or sick? No. Water is key to my feeling good. If I keep hydrated, all is well.
Looking forward to: Back to school routine! OMG … can’t wait to have some sequence to our day to day.
What Jemma thinks: “I fink that’s a penis.” After weeks of reviewing ultrasounds with me, Jem had her big moment at the anatomy scan. She got to announce if she was having a brother or sister. Her planned sister response was much different than the flat toned, obvious statement she mustered up upon seeing her brother’s bum. Thankfully, she’s coming around to the idea of corralling two little brothers in her near future!
What Max thinks: “I heard baby’s heartbeat! And Max’s too!” Our midwife is the best and does the sweetest job incorporating Jem and Max into my appointments. After we listened to baby, she set Max up with her stethoscope and he got to hear his too :)
i’ve been wrong with every kid so far on their gender too. :)
I’ve been wrong both times, and also for almost all of our friends and family! I’m so bad at gender guesses! Maybe the third baby will be the charm when it comes.