12 in 2012: Book Update

Of all my 12 in 2012 goals I seem to be making the most progress on my reading list. I’ve found it to be the perfect mix of relaxation and a creativity boost. It gets me thinking about more than laundry, diapers, and what to fix for dinner. And we all know how important that is!

The Birth House
I love reading midwife/birth fiction. It’s like delving into someone’s unique birth experience. The Birth House was just that. Totally an interesting read about birth in a different time period and I loved that it took place in Canada.

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
This book was recommended to on the lovely ol’ Facebook. I adored that it was set in an area I’m familiar with — Seattle. And, it uniquely crossed time between WWII and present day. Plus, when I took Pacific Northwest History I wrote my final paper about the Puyallup Fair being used as a Japanese internment camp – this book truly made that shameful historical moment come alive.

The Princess and the Midnight Ball
My sis recommended this teen novel as a quick read. It was a fun spin on an old classic.

Matched & Crossed
These two books are definitely winners! Seriously the next Twilight/Hunger Games. Crossed wasn’t quite as good, but definitely continued the story and since I was already invested in the characters it was super too. Can’t wait for book 3 which is set to debut in November. Plus/also, I’m sure this will be a movie in the near future. It just has that vibe.

With these, I’m right on track for my updated goal of 20 books! Half way through the year and I’ve read 10 — WOOHOO! Here’s the first 5 I completed.

Up Next …
Multiple books at once is my downfall in life. I really need to stick with one, finish it, then move on. But I just can’t. And so,  in the reading queue currently I have 3 books! All baby/birth related and equally awesome. More on those soon … well, hopefully soon :)

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  1. Hannah Barnhorn says

    I loved Birth House! I think one of my favorite parts was the herb guide in the back! I am so glad you enjoyed it.

  2. says

    I just ready Hotel on the Corner… I'm from Seattle and LOVED it. So glad you did too. I just found your blog via a comment on Bleubird and I'm so glad to have a new great blog to follow! Kaciehttp://www.acollectionofpassions.com/

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Yay! I'm hopping over to check our your blog too :)

  4. Lactating Girl says

    I'm happy that I've found a blogger that has similar book interests as me. Already put holds on all these at the library! :-D

  5. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Yay! Happy reading :)