12 in 2012 {modified}

I think I wrote the first round of my 12 in 2012 the week before I found out I was expecting. In an effort to keep things true to my purpose – realistic goals – I’ve made a few modifications …

  1. Recipe Book – Complete my Tastebook this year, order it, and continue adding to it as we discover new family favorite
  2. Canning – Join my mom and sisters in their summer canning project
  3. Offer Support – Find ways to support families who are actively fostering or adopting. This is the biggest change in my goals, I had planned to complete foster to adopt training, but am going to hold off until we are settled as a family of 4.
  4. Read – Finish 20 books
  5. Become More Green – Find 10 new ways to make our lives more green
  6. Buy Second-hand I want to thrift more, especially for necessities and things I would otherwise run to Target to buy
  7. Exercise – Start yoga
  8. Blog About Fashion – Begin sharing style file posts on my stay-at-home wardrobe
  9. Make Rather Than Buy – I’ll be starting with making my own soap from this recipe
  10. Pursue La Leche League leadership
  11. Quilt – Complete a quilt for Jemma (or the new baby … maybe both!)
  12. Date Night – Monthly date night with Dominic
… Oh so many ways to follow along …
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