- Cecily
- Luna
- Bellamy (Belle)
- Verity
- Blythe
- Ivy
- Reverie
- Hattie
- Orla
- Petra
- Violet
- Imogen
- Truly
- Story
- Rose Paloma
- Harbor
- Holden
- Crew
- Fletcher
- Graham
- Reid
- West
- Foster
- Max
- Flynn
- Eli
Boys just baffle me – I have the hardest times with boy names. Today I like Graham (but if you recall, Dom hates “G” names), West and Foster. I would consider Wesley/Wes, but some close friends have always loved that name and I don’t want to steal. Plus, West is more unique (and therefore more likely for Dom to veto). Foster is just amazing – it sounds little boy and grandpa all at the same time. Jemma and Foster sound like a sweet duo. Middle name for a little man will most likely be Valentine after my grandpa Edgar Valentine. Perhaps Dean after Dominic’s Dad … we’ll see what flows best :)
Ok, that’s the start of the name game. Now excepting submissions :)
P.S. This is THE BEST naming blog EVA!
P.S.S. It was my Daddy’s birthday yesterday – Happy Birthday Dad!!!
I love love love love love Hattie for a girl and LOVE Reid for a boy! You guys have some awesomely unique names here! You can't go wrong with these!
As soon as I saw that you were going to go with British names, I was going to suggest Verity. It's unique for us Americans but you see it more in the UK. I came across it when we were booking some of our excursions for our trip last year and the agent's name was Verity, I asked her more about it ;) Also love the names Fletcher, Foster, West and Reid. I agree that boys names are harder! We have our firsts boys' name picked out, but I'm at a total loss if we end up having 2 boys. I've already started planning for girl #2 ;)
Imogen is a super sweet name. I like Reid a lot, too, like the commenters below. Even though I'm not close to thinking about #2 yet, I still daydream about baby names…it's like an addiction!
orla and Luna are 2 of my faves, unfortunately we used to gave a dog named Luna so I don't if I could ever use it on a baby lest people think i'm naming after the dog! I saw the name farrow on the yccii blog the other day and my heart kind of stopped… Boy or girl, it's great.
I LOVE Story for a girl. So sweet! Crew for a boy is good, too. What fun. I love baby names and the whole naming process. It's so fun to hear about what people decide on and why. Thanks for keeping us all in the loop. :)
Oh I love the name game!! And I love all your names!! It's funny I REALLY love the name Holden – for a particular reason. My hubs and I met through a mutual friend (his best friend) who ended up being our Best Man and who's last name is Holden. So I looove the name Holden Monahan, since this friend has REALLY been there for us through it all. But hubs doesn't like it all since he's from a really small town so this friend's last name would be recognized through the entire town, and essentially be mistaken for being named after that entire family. lol. Oh the fun of names!!
I love this! I love your way of narrowing down names, I love your logic, and mostly i LOVE the names you are considering. Im still playing the name game… I'm so indecisive! Better make a decision soon because little man will be here before i know it!
Truly & Crew….SWOON. Makes me want MORE.xo,hb