Our Life: Instagrammed

The more mobile Jemma becomes the less time I have for quiet activities – also know as blogging. This is the season I’m in an rather than fight the constant go-go-go, I’m embracing it – camera in hand …
On the rare occasion when she isn’t crawling and standing, Jemma still loves to be wrapped up in our Baby K’tan
Bath time hair – WILD!
Jemma’s Pops and Mimi found her an awesome play structure at a garage sale for next summer
My sweet girl has an infatuation with shoes
$6 garage sale find from Saturday
As my mom used to say, “I could just spread you on a cracker and eat you right up!”
While we were scouting garage sales, you can just hear her saying “Really mom, another one???”
My little Madonna finally crashed for a nap – leg warmers, skort and belly shirt, she’s a rockstar
Found this plaid tunic at Children’s Place for $2.99 – shopping victory
Jemma’s favorite book – Baby Beluga, we read it when she visits work for her daily lunch
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  1. says

    2.99? That is a score! I am obsessed with Instagram, I tell ya!