My sweet girl,
Do you see that picture? Those glimmering eyes, cheeky grin, and wild hair, oh my! I love ever speckle of you! We visited the market last week and you had so much fun pointing out animals, trying your first snow cone, and filling your skirt’s pockets with rocks. Not to mention the Arnold Palmer you swiped from Mimi and slurped down. Who knew a little girl would love iced tea and lemonade so much!
This has been a BIG month for you … on the brink of two and you became a big sister! What an accomplishment! When Max arrived you sweetly gave your “bay-bay” kisses whenever we prompted. Now, just four weeks since his birth you constantly want to know where your “Maaaaa” is. You love to snuggle up next to us while we’re nursing, give your “bye” (blanket” to Max), stroke his hair, and shower him with kisses. Often I”ll find you hovering over him pointing to his nose, eyes, hair, and mouth. Today, you saw his mouth open up and you popped your finger inside looking for his teeth! When he cries you are right by his side, reaching around him and grunting like you are about to pick up something heavy – too adorable!
I would list off all my favorite moments, but there are far too many this month. We’ve been exploring a new season in our relationship as we learn to manage our love while adding Max into the mix. You’ve definitely become Daddy’s little girl since Max was born. He snuggle you to sleep each night, takes you to the park and on errands, and is overall your most favorite person. He makes you laugh like no other and you shout, “Da-eeeee” over and over as you wrestle and romp amidst your favorite Legos and books. The two of you are going to give me trouble in the years to come, I just know it :)
This month you learned how to climb through the tunnel on your slide. We’ve been coaxing you for months and you finally boogied through after your little friend Erik showed you how :) You also have become a pro at puzzles – even your color matching one! I’m so impressed by the things you learn all on your own! Such a smart little cookie!
I did an awful job at logging all your new words this month. I guess you can assume I was a little extra busy. Your vocabulary is booming and it is so fun to be a part of! You chatter from sun up to sun down and I adore hearing all your little phrases. And, we’re getting to the point where you will repeat words after me!
Sadly, you’ve become a bit pickier with new foods. You’re growing a sweet tooth, especially for milk shakes and there is no doubt you are addicted to granola bars! We’ve been adding quite a bit of coconut oil into many of your foods to help keep your more regular in the diaper region, but other than that, there isn’t much new on the food front. Your birthday party next month will be featuring your favorite food – MEATBALLS, so that will be fun to see you enjoy.
Now that Max has joined our family I can’t believe how big and smart and beautiful you are! It seems just like yesterday that you were a newborn in my arms and now you are a vivacious little girl ready to take on the world. I’ll admit, I love that you still need me. As your independence grows, I still catch glimpses of your littleness. Thankfully! You still love to sit in my lap with a stack of books and sippy and bath time is still a calm spa adventure for us. You’ve even had a hard time leaving us lately for children’s church, and although, I hate your tears, I love that you love us so fiercely to never tire of our presence.
This final month of your 2nd year will be so bittersweet for me. You have grown up before my eyes and I look back wishing I would have cherished more moments. Then again, I’m thrilled for all that is to come! Life with you is bright and beautiful; I love it and you so much!
Hugs and kisses!
Next month will be the last month I write up a monthly post about you – there is just too much to keep up with! I’m going to honor your 2nd birthday and then switch to every six month updates. Sound good? You just keep me so busy having fun; There is hardly any time to sit down and write !
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I love this post.She is so beautiful gretchen.