I’m pausing a bit from blogging this week. I discovered I have excess lipase in my breast milk and it’s raising quite the drama for these reasons:
- The 200 ounces I pumped and froze over my maternity leave can’t be used
- To be able to store milk I have to scald it which is quite the process
The only good news is (yes, I’m trying to find some positives):
- I found out this week instead of next (I return to work on Monday)
- Jemma is taking a little bit of milk from a sippy cup; as long as it has fresh expressed or scalded milk … yeah! Nursing is still great. Excess lipase only effects pumped milk.
- After a few experiments I think my milk will hold in the fridge for 18 hours before the excess lipase makes it taste/smell bad
- I have great support from my local La Leche League leader
That’s that. Keep me in your prayers this week as I figure out a pump/scald/store routine for work next week. Excess lipase seems to be pretty rare and I’m still wishing I wasn’t having to deal with it :(
UPDATE! I was able to donate all my milk effected by excess lipase :) Read more about that here.
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How did you find out that you had that? What does it mean? I've never heard of that! What made you know something was up?
New follower here! :) If you're into cloth diapers, feel free to stop over and follow our blog too at http://clothdiapercontests.com :)On a completely different note, good luck with the lipase issue. I hope it works out okay for you! :(
It wasn't until after my SECOND child refused bottles that I figured out this was my issue too! I also wonder if this is why my son loves to drink soapy bath water? LOL Tastes familiar maybe?
i had never heard of this before! how frustrating that must be about the 200 ounces of milk. :-/
O my goodness this is the same post on my blog right now.. it really sucks doesnt it? to pour out all the liquid gold.