On this fine Monday …

Jem and I are spending our first day solo!
Daddy’s alarm went off at 5:30 am. While he got ready Jem and I snuggled in for an early morning nursing session. She dozed off (as did I) and we didn’t wake up until 8:30 am. Such a nice long stretch of sleep for mama.
We nursed again and I hopped in the shower while Jem chilled in her bouncer outside the shower door. I got ready uninterrupted (for the most part) while Jem and I visited about the day. After I was in one piece we picked out a cute outfit for her and did the routine, post-nursing diaper change.
We have 3 amazing baby carriers … Ergo, Moby and Baby K’Tan and I decided today was the day to give one a try. We went with the Ergo since it didn’t require reading a whole manual of wrapping techniques. Jem snuggled right in and we’ve been buzzing around all morning. We’ve done laundry, ordered her birth certificate, followed up with insurance and the hospital, walked to the mailbox, made breakfast, watched some TV and ordered freakin’ adorable baby pictures to add to her baby book. It’s been a good Monday so far. 
I’m still considering a run to Target, but am trying to time it right with her next meal. 
I have an awesome product review coming soon and my maternity pictures to share. I want to start writing my birth story too. Lots coming down the pipeline in between naps, nursing and diapers :)

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  1. says

    How do you like your Ergo?? We have the Moby, and I bought a baby bjorn and didnt care for it, I need something comfy! Just thought I would see what you think of it.

  2. says

    we had the moby and the katan… I love the katan and am still using it and she is 9 months old… I think it is SO much easier than the moby. I need a carrier that I can put her on my back easily… if you see something, please let me know.

  3. says

    We have the Ergo. I love it, but I doesn't fit Shaun well. Malachi still fits in it and he's 18 months old! =)

  4. says

    Ergos are awesome. At this age, a simple sling could be helpful and really portable too (doesn't take up much room). I used a sling for the first three or so months for Hunter. We used it daily and he really liked it.Jamie

  5. says

    Well done! That is a very productive Monday for a new mama and baby.

  6. Chelsea says

    Lookin' good in the Ergo! I've tried several carriers & it's by far my favorite. It looks like you have the performance – I tried both in the store & ended up with the original because it had more padding in the shoulders & thought it would make it more comforatable as the kiddos grew. I however didn't start using it until my 2nd was about 9 months – wish I had purchased earlier. But my daughter is now 4 & I've carried her on my back a few times. I used the k'tan up until the ergo & I really, really liked it as well.Congrats & happy baby wearing!

  7. says

    The Ergo has been great! I love how it just clips into place. Feels very secure. I'll be trying the K'Tan and Moby later this week.

  8. says

    You look amazing! You definitely have that Momma glow!