A Sneek Peek …

… at the theme for Jemma’s 2nd birthday party! 
Can you believe Miss Jemma is turning 2 in just a few weeks?
For a long time I thought we’d plan a TWO-ti Fruitti birthday party for her second birthday, but we swapped ideas for a few reasons. 1) Fruit isn’t locally in season in October and 2) Jemma loves one other food more than fruit … MEATBALLS!
So, we moved on to an Italian theme. Which is perfect since Dominic’s family is super Italian. I’m full swing into the planning and can’t wait to share all the details. For now, here’s the graphic I created for her invitations!

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  1. Katie Shannon says

    That sounds like fun :)

  2. carey says

    super sweet! sounds like fun. meatballs are pretty popular around here too. i am starting to plan my son's birthday, too. we're thinking of having a "mustache bash". :)

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Love that idea!