Some days I completely lack words. I have nothing to post. Nothing inspirational. Just blah. Those are the days I go exploring … blog-sploring you could call it. Recently I found …
They are now part of my daily reads. Good stuff … check them out :) She Breathes Deeply recently answered a fun questionnaire. So, just in case you didn’t know enough about me … here’s a bit more.
{I AM …} in love with my husband, he is going to be the best dad EVER
{I WANT …} Coldstone ice cream, bread pudding and a cocotini
{I HAVE …} alot on my plate
{I KEEP …} random pieces of clothing for potential Halloween costumes, even though I don’t remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween
{I WISH I COULD …} be a better swimmer
{I HATE …} when I lose focus of the bigger things in life and lack contentment
{I FEAR …} big numbers, like trying to imagine how many stars there are in the sky
{I HEAR …} my fan, Fannie. She lulls me to sleep every night.
{I DON’T THINK …} I will ever own a brand new car … depreciating asset at its worst
{I REGRET …} not knowing when enough is enough
{I LOVE …} my bouncing baby
{I CAN …} do alot of things at once, multi-tasker extraordinnaire
{I DANCE …} like a dying worm
{I SING …} along to everything, even when I don’t know the words (perfect opportunity to just make up my own)
{I NEVER …} forget to brush my teeth
{I RARELY …} buy something that isn’t on sale
{I CRY WHEN I WATCH …} got me here, I don’t cry at movies … like I can’t name one. I am a stone.
{I KNOW THAT …} God blessed me with the perfect family for me
{I HATE THAT …} most yummy food has so many calories
{I NEED …} to accept that I won’t sleep through the night for a very long time
{I SHOULD …} refrain from speaking my mind at every possible moment
{I BELIEVE …} my baby will be born after my birthday (October 5th) and before Halloween
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thanks for the mention gretchen! you're too kind, too kind. :)i loved reading this list about you too! feel like i *know* you a little more now… fun!