It has been quite a busy week off of work … here is a picture recap.
We celebrated Mom’s birthday with a fabulous dinner and homemade red velvet cupcakes from the family chef. We love holiday meals (in actuality we love every meal) with Hannah!
Hannie made the best BBQ corn with veggie steak quinoa … I wish she lived with me! She knows just how to help me get my daily protein quota.
We spend Wednesday and Thursday sorting through my parent’s storage unit. I should have taken a before/after picture, but we were just too busy being ruthless sorters! Pretty much you opened the garage door and were greeted with boxes and boxes of mysterious things. Lots of items from grandparents, random furniture and boxes labeled “keepsakes”. We organized like crazy and kicked off our hard work with a garage sale on Friday. A garage sale with rain … which is why everything is under a tarp.
Good news is … Saturday cleared up and we made a couple hundred dollars between the 2 days. Mom is donating it all to the baby fund (yes, we are pretty blessed). Not sure what we are going to get … we’ll have to assess what we still need after our summer showers.
Dominic is the super garage saler and acted as our main man for all things heavy and money related. He bargained like crazy and sold crap like it was a treasure to anyone and everyone. He helped one little girl start a snow globe collection and another little boy found a jackpot of old trophies for his trophy collection.
Today was low key … sleeping in, 4th of July parade and coffee date with friends from high school. The above picture is me and the shoes I decided to wear to the parade. Yes, I’m 6 months pregnant and still wearing heels on a pretty consistent basis. I kind of forgot we would be parking and walking quite a ways to our parade spot, I was dying by the time we got there and afterwards Dominic offered to go pick up the car so I didn’t have to walk back. Yep, he’s that amazing :)
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Best line ever: Yes, I'm 6 months pregnant and still wearing heels on a pretty consistent basis.This is why you and I must be destined to be friends lol. Never sacrifice fashion :)