Every night Jemma prays for three people — “Uncle Anton, Tasha annnnnd Cuzzin Karrington”. They’re our Texas people and thankfully, we got to spend a good portion of March with them! Our days were packed and the kids so enjoyed our adventures between Seattle and Portland. I finally uploaded photos and can’t wait to share the highlights!
As tour guides we spearheaded the best and brightest of the Northwest – Salt + Straw (pear and blue cheese ice cream!), Molly Moon, Ruby Jewel, two children’s museums (Olympia wins big time!), outlet shopping, Oba Happy Hour (burgers! queso!), Pike’s Place Market, Grilled Cheese Grill, and the first ever Starbucks. Our travels crossed over the Frozen release, so we celebrated with lots of singing, Princess Anna pajamas and Queen Elsa dresses :) Evens the Dads have admitted to enjoying Frozen. Oh, and #tulawin times two – friends with big babies toddler Tulas are the grandest thing eva!
It may sound like all we did was eat. I promise we walked lots too. You know, to even out all the scrumptiousness. Best seriously, if you’re visiting the Northwest get all those restaurants I linked on your must visit list!
We wrapped up our family time with … dun dun da da … family photos! This crew is the best! Love each and every one of them!
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Love the babywearing family pic :)!what is the name of the park with the crazy wicker-ish structures??
It's the Children's Museum! Isn't it awesome?