Belly Bands

BellaBand = my bra for the bump
I’m in love with my BellaBands! They are helping me to transition for . Who would have thought that a smudge of elastic could work such wonders?
Over the last few weeks I have acquired two … both by Ingrid & Isabel. One has lace on the bottom and the other is plain. I’ll admit, they are a bit spendy … seriously, $20-$30 for spandex seems like overkill. But, the expecting mothers of the world demand it, so I guess the price reflects their popularity.
Lucky for me and my thrifty sleuthing, I picked up one for $8 at the Shop ‘n Swap Sale and another this past weekend at the Just Between Friends Sale for $10. Just another reason why I love being thrifty, awesome stuff with money left over!
The BellaBand is super versatile and I’m only in the first stage of use, the picture above walks through each stage …
  • 18 weeks – wear with pre-pregnancy pants, just unbuttoned (which I am sporting today)
  • 25 weeks – holds up too loose maternity pants
  • 32 weeks – keeps belly from pushing pants down (does this really happen?)
  • Postpartum – helps transition back into pre-pregnancy clothes

Pretty much … the only thing getting me through the day is BellaBand awesomeness. I’m feigning chipper, because I have a nasty cold. I figure if I talk happy, maybe I’ll start to feel better :)

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  1. says

    I'll definitely have to buy one- I've heard good things about them all over the place.

  2. Mom says

    So glad you love these…but, I need the credit for finding them…didn't I buy them too:)xoxo

  3. says

    There will be another Shop n Swap event coming soon! With even more to offer with women's items and home decor too! I will let you know the exact date soon. Thanks for the mention!

  4. says

    It's true … Mom bought by first BellaBand. Dominic got me the second. They must know just what I need to stay happy :)