Eons ago I ripped an article called “The Day You Were Born” out of Family Fun. It was a project revolving around the compilation of memories from pregnancy through birth. Looking back on my wedding I now understand how the significant days in our lives pass like a whirlwind and our child’s birth is definitely one of the days I don’t want to forget. So, I decided to start preparing our “The Day You Were Born” box. I think it will be fun to look through it from year to year and have our little boy or girl ask questions about the days leading up to their birthday! I’ve got alot of ideas about what to include, most from Family Fun and can’t wait to start this little project, because let’s face it I need one more project right now :)
The Day You Were Born
The Birth Story
-Pictures from the big day
-Birth video (we’ll see how much actually gets included)
-Baby’s first hat/outfit
-Birthday weather (www.almanac.com/weatherhistory)
The Pregnancy
-Pregnancy pics
-Fun facts
-Due date
-Journal entries
-Baby shower mementos/pictures
What’s In a Name
-Note about why we chose it
-Name’s meaning
-List of contenders
-Photograph and short biography of their namesake
-List of the most popular names this year (www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames)
The News of the Day
-Newspaper clipping
-CD of popular songs
-Other pop culture lists/facts
Family & Friends
-Pictures of them and baby
-Short note of first thoughts or a letter to the baby
-A detailed map of the city, with the location of home and birthing center circled
-Picture of our house (in and out)
Notes & Documents
-Birth announcement
-Footprints, medical report,etc.
I am guessing blogs won’t be around forever so I feel it is really important to create some physical mementos for baby (and me) to enjoy down the road!
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Okay, you should contact the local newspaper to see if you can order a copy of the newspaper on the day you found out you were pregnant and make sure to have Dom grab a copy on the day B.B. (Baby Bossio-my new nickname for the next 6 months) is born!AND my friend had her blog made into a book-you should do that too! Like a shutterfly style. Then you will always have it and will laugh in 20 years about the things you worried about while pregnant
I love the idea of turning it into a book! Do you know where she did it through?My only worry is that if I do if for child #1, I'm committing myself to doing it for all of them … YIKES!