5 Reasons to Attend Your Local Blogger Meet Up

Sometimes, I can be such a worry wart. Especially with things like meeting new people. Last June I gathered my nerves and purchased a ticket to the Spring 2012 PNW Blogger Meet Up in Portland. I’m so happy I did!

If you’ve ever second guessed going to a meet up, I’m here to tell you … don’t! Here’s why:

  • Honor your blog effort. It takes a lot of time and effort to write, schedule posts, and coordinate sponsors. Nobody gets that like another blogger. Connecting with like-minded gals is so rewarding. They “get” you and nothing feels better than being understood.
  • Mama needs a break. Can I get an “Amen!”? Sometimes an alone run to Target doesn’t fill your social tank like it should. I mean, it’s close … but most of us need more. Gathering with friends to eat yummy food and socialize with non-two-year-olds is just grand.
  • Can’t forget the swag. I hate to even rank the little event pressies, but sometimes they feel like the icing on the cake. And who doesn’t love frosting? I know a ton of effort went into creating the amazing swag bags each lady received and I can’t say thank you enough. They were spectacular!
  • Forging new friendships. Here’s where I get super nervous. It’s weird because you kind of know everyone thanks to their online persona, but now it is game time and you actually have to talk! It’s like the first day of school, just a little more awkward. At least for me it is. But, all the nervousness falls away once the ball gets rolling. Everyone is so sweet and by the end of the evening you’re brimming with excitement since you’re in a room full of besties.
  • Internet friends now equal real life friends! This is by far the best thing about meet ups. No longer do you have to preface your stories with “my internet friend so-and-so”. You can just say, “Lucy down in Salem, you know, the one with 4 boys who just built a chicken coop” and your husband no longer thinks you’ve been chatting with a crazy person in Albania.

If all those bullets don’t make you want to attend a meet up I don’t know what will! Tickets are now on sale for the next meet up … the PNW Holiday Party on November 3rd. I so wish I could make it this round, but our Texas family is flying in the same day so I’ll be missing out :(

Rumor is the Spring event will be in the Seattle area though so that’s even closer for me! Can’t wait to see everyone again in a few months! 

    Kate from Fork and Vine and Megan from Boho Mama
    Pregnant mama photo op … 1/2 of these babies have been born already!
    Amy from A Good Life | Chelsea from The Curly Cues | Jill from The Chronicles of Corbin | me | Katherine from Somewhere in the Middle | Libby from Libby’s Life |  Melissa from While It Rains
     All photos from the lovely and talented, Sara Gray
    … Oh so many ways to follow along …
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    1. says

      How do you find local blogger meet ups? I would love to attend one.

    2. says

      i'm going to this meetup! wish you could be there!!

    3. ThatMamaGretchen says

      Oh, bummer! I'm sad that I'll be missing you! You'll have a blast!

    4. bohomama says

      I'm so bummed you won't be there! :( I'll be thinking of you!!

    5. ThatMamaGretchen says

      I'm bummed too :( You'll have to make your way north for the Spring one!

    6. ThatMamaGretchen says

      You know, I've always just stumbled across them. What area of the country are you in? I can help keep my eye out for you!