This + That

Jem and I are upping our art game. It’s calm and relaxing and we listen to Yo-Yo Ma or the Disney Legacy CD while we craft. The boys join in sometimes and other times we distract them with snacks so we can get creative in the quiet. This week it was watercolors and flower crowns. Next week? Well, we’re taking […]

Favorites for Baby Four

This post was written in collaboration with some of the included brands. No payment was received, but some items were gifted to our family. Affiliate links included. Dominic and I do very different things in our down time. Down time as in, when the kids are all finally sleeping and we have a little time on […]

1st Grade Homeschool Curriculum

It’s late. I’m in pajamas. It’s allllmost time for my 4th meal (debating between a bowl of cereal or salt and vinegar chips). But, since it’s your lucky night, I’m holding off on my pregnancy cravings to share everything that has arrived for Jemma’s 1st grade homeschool year … via video!  Enjoy!  Here’s the link list […]

A Visit to the Terracotta Warriors

When I was mapping out our homeschool year last Fall, I heard through the grapevine that something special was coming to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle — the Terracotta Warriors of the First Emperor. Amazing exhibits are frequently on rotation at PSC (when I was growing up we saw features on Titanic, King Tut, and […]

HOOT for Kids — A Treasure Box Surprise for Max

Max doesn’t appear on the blog much these days. That’s his choice and it’s totally fine with me. This summer he turns 5 and by that age I’m all for my kids participating how and when they want. With this new sense of independence, Max rarely joins in on photos (for the blog or not!) whereas […]

What This Modern Mama Loves … RIGHT NOW (plus a giveaway with 5 winners!)

Over the years I’ve discovered many of my personal favorites from reading posts about things other mamas love. So, I figured it was high time I wrote a fresh “love” post and shared what I’m all about RIGHT NOW. Nothing like the present :) Granted, these are all slightly tainted by pregnancy. They may not be […]

Style File — This Is Everyday

Whenever I post mama style photos I get the sweetest comments. And it makes me feel happy, of course. Who doesn’t like to hear that they’re pretty and pulled together and portraying pregnancy with grace?!? But are fancy, styled photos my everyday? No, not quite. Like, once every 10 days or so I get really […]

Jemma’s Spring Reading Recommendations

When our Fall term of homeschooling ended, I cataloged all the books Jemma read here. I thought it would be fun to keep track term after term; a way to reflect on what she has read and share her recommendations with other little readers. But then, I couldn’t. Because she’s freakin’ Belle. Always reading. Always finishing […]

23 Weeks

Did we leave our Disney loving kids behind and fly to California by ourselves for a little babymoon? Yes, yes we did! AND IT WAS WONDERFUL! Disneyland and California Adventure without kids is a grand experience. Not relaxing per se (we walked 25 miles in 3 days!), but calm. We didn’t have little ones to […]