Special Announcement

Our little surprise has arrived! Jemma Janell October 2, 2010 at 11:36 am 8 pounds, 10 ounces 21 1/4 inches    Mama, Daddy and Baby Jemma are settling in at home and will be back with more pictures and updates soon!

The Tree + the Fruit

According to traditional wisdom in rural France, a baby in the womb should be compared to fruit on the tree. Not all the fruit on the same tree is ripe at the same time…we must accept that some babies need a much longer time than others before they are ready to be born.   -Michel […]

38 Week Appointment

These weekly appointments are just crazy. I mean, only so much can happen every 7 days. I pretty much say, “I’m feeling fine; marching on. Nothing too exciting to report.” This week brought some fun updates though … Belly is measuring at 40 weeks – that’s right, my wee one is gonna be a chunker […]


Some days I completely lack words. I have nothing to post. Nothing inspirational. Just blah. Those are the days I go exploring … blog-sploring you could call it. Recently I found … She Breathes Deeply and The Mommyhood Memos They are now part of my daily reads. Good stuff … check them out :) She Breathes Deeply recently answered […]

The Webster Technique: Pregnancy Chiropractic

I started seeing a chiropractor 3 weeks ago. I was pretty sure I was having sciatic nerve pain (no fun) and thought a chiro might be my best route in adjusting to my bigger pregnant self. I was absolutely right! There is no doubt I am bigger and the bump is more uncomfortable to move around, […]


Have you heard of MealBaby? One of my good friends just had a baby girl and I was invited to bring her a meal through this genius website. Here is the scoop: Are you or someone you know having a baby? Is someone you know recovering from surgery? Are you just a really nice person […]

No-Go BlogHer

BlogHer. We all wish we could go, because it sounds like grown-up Disneyland. But for those of us who are stuck in real life we’re going to the No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop! Thanks to ToBeThode or Musings of a Marfan Mom for hosting such a grand party! For those stopping by … here is the […]

Post #200

In honor of post #200 here is a bit of something and a bit of nothing about me … just 20 things since 200 seems a bit overboard :) My Dad taught me to drive when I was 7. It was just a golf cart, but still … I buzzed through the woods and up […]