Read the original Boobs & Babies here. I returned to work when Jemma was 4 months and 5 days old. I was blessed to have 18 weeks at home. Priceless weeks to bond with my girl and establish our nursing relationship. Upon my return to work I planned to pump once in the morning, have […]
Boobs & Babies

Let me start with saying everyone’s breastfeeding experience is completely unique. Know that. Own that. What I’m about to share is my experience. Yours shouldn’t be exactly like it because you are a different mama and you have a different baby. Dare I say a breastfeeding relationship is like a marriage – yours is […]
Mama’s Milk
This is a mega long post … bear with me as I spill my heart all over the internet :) It was very difficult for our family to decide for me to return to work at the end of my blissful, 18-week maternity leave. But, with all trying situations in life there is a silver […]
I went back to work … and survived
The Scoop on Excess Lipase
From what I’ve read over the last week I’ve learned excess lipase is pretty rare and there isn’t a ton of information on it. What I do know is that lipase is a normal part of breast milk. Lipase is the enzyme which helps milk fat to be digested. Lipase is the reason breast milk […]
My Latest Obstacle — Excess Lipase
I’m pausing a bit from blogging this week. I discovered I have excess lipase in my breast milk and it’s raising quite the drama for these reasons: The 200 ounces I pumped and froze over my maternity leave can’t be used To be able to store milk I have to scald it which is quite […]
Jemma’s Birth Story
With. My. Milk.
Adventures With My Pump, the Mall, and Baby Girl

My little bumpkin and I have had quite a lovely day. For the last few days I’ve been willing myself to start pumping and storing my milk. Jemma and I have had quite a successful breastfeeding relationship. She latches well, drinks quickly, glances up at me with her “melt-my-heart” blue eyes, burps easily and […]